Relationships: Day 30, Oc 4

RELATIONSHIPS “Think of relationships as the base of a building in which there are four pillars. If one pillar collapses, the building will fall. The four basic pillars of relationships are love, kindness, empathy and trust. Each of these encompasses a broad range of emotions and possible experiences. Love ranges from absolute hatred or fear to unconditional love. The parameters of kindness range from co-dependency to allowing others to follow their dreams. Empathy ranges from being completely ignorant of another’s emotional state to a feeling that you must persuade others to embrace your beliefs. Trust ranges from total wariness to seeing another as a great Master.

Some relationships will remain at a superficial level (store clerks, people you pass on the streets, etc.). Your relationships with these people are dependent on your life experiences and belief codes.

If the pillars (belief codes) you have set for your relationship foundation include, “If I let someone get close to me, they can hurt me. If someone is kind to me, then I will have to repay that kindness. I don’t want to be bothered by other’s problems: they need to take care of their own problems. People have to earn my trust.” Your relationships will likely not grow beyond the moment; there is no bonding.

If the pillars you have created include belief codes such as, ”In essence, all people are good. I love all without conditions. People are kind. I am available to help anyone who wants my help. People are trustworthy.” Can you see the different way you are likely to interact with others you encounter?

Throughout life, you have the opportunity to build stronger or weaker foundations. If you choose positive belief codes, your relationships with strangers, family and friends will grow strong or at least as strong as the other is capable of receiving what you offer them. At the least, you will be a good role model.

The foundation you build with another person will determine the strength, length and endurance of your friendship. As the saying goes, “It takes two to tango.” Now matter how strong of a foundation you create, your relationships will only be as strong as the amount of love, kindness, empathy and trust each of you has built into your foundation. Happy building! Oc 4”

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 30 at:

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  1. how to build a relationship between our CUlture of Peace Activity through the Heart of Africa Campaign using the Maya Messages as a preliminary step – taking the prison program and expanding it to other areas of our global community. I suggest we look for a volunteer to manifest this outreach. perhaps we engage the Spirituality in the workplace initiatives in many cities to engage in a larger solution – global.


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