What are the Mayan Messages?

The Mayan Messages are a collection of 260 channeled messages from
the Day Keepers of the Mayan Tzolkin calendar.

Please read below to discover how you can add the power of the Mayan Tzolkin calendar every day of your life.

Throughout the year, the Mayan Messages offer solutions to life’s problems. They address various aspects of how each person is responsible for creating much of their life as a result of their thoughts, words, actions, emotions and where they focus their attention and intention.

As one learns to release negative thoughts, fears and belief codes, the ability to create a life filled with joy, peace, happiness and abundance is manifested.

The Mayan Day Keepers are a highly evolved group of Beings residing on the “Other Side” of the Veil. What the Day Keepers have shared with me is that each of the 260 days of the Tzolkin calendar has a vibration, each focusing on a unique aspect of the human psyche.

Each message is designed to encourage the reader to go within and look at various aspects of their “shadow” side, those things that we would label as “negative” such as anger, greed and fear. The purpose is to find the root cause of each and discover ways to release them.

By diligently working through 260 shadow aspects, the potential for spiritual growth has no bounds!

Each day, the Day Keepers offer encouragement, helping to connect the reader to his/her Higher Self for guidance.

There are meditations, tools to increase health and wealth, ways to recognize out-dated belief codes and help in breaking through “negative” thoughts, words and actions in order to create a life filled with joy, peace and abundance.

The Mayan Messages and free companion calendar are appropriate for all people, whether you follow Eastern or Western traditions.

This website is designed to introduce you to the Tzolkin calendar, the Day Keepers and their Messages of hope and inspiration.

You will find no doom and gloom prophecies here. You will only find hope, inspiration and encouragement.

Although the Mayan Day Keepers have a tremendous love for each of us, they are “tough love” Beings, for they know the time of Transition is here.

There is nothing to fear, only choices to make.

When one chooses to live in the Now moment, expressing gratitude for every experience, the true meaning of love, peace, harmony and balance will be found.

Which do you choose?

I am honored to be a spokesperson for the Day Keepers and have vowed to do what I can to allow their Messages to flow through me with as much clarity as possible.

I am not a Mayan scholar and I do not represent the Mayan people. I do not have full understanding of the complexity of their calendars and have no desire to do so, for it is not my Path.

We are all one and I embrace each of you as we work together to make this world a better place.

It gives me great pleasure to share these Messages because I know that your ability to love affects my ability to love. John Lennon was right on when he wrote, “All you need is love!”

For information on how to purchase the Mayan Messages, click on the book cover on the sidebar.

Many blessings,

Reverend Theresa Crabtree


If  you resonate with what you read and want to make the Mayan Messages part of your daily walk, click the book cover on the right for current prices on the paperback, pdf and EPUB editions.

I have a lot of exciting information for you on my main website! http://www.theresacrabtree.com/



6 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Michelle on April 14, 2015 at 11:28 pm

    Thank you from my heart for posting such amazing truth such inspiration wisdom clarity warm kind honest nurturing words and for reaching out and connecting with the world who is looking willing and gear to learn ready for change with encouragement know that all is not what is it that in looking at every person u need each day and see some of yourself in that person can only bring you to u r true self always awakening you to the now to be cLear to this k before you think as everything is ur choice urgent freedom to make and the importance of how you choose to make it . Thank you 4 showing me how to awaken the beauty within me I never new was there much gratitude xx xx Michelle


  2. Posted by Fern Rancourt on August 6, 2014 at 10:15 pm

    Very uplifting these Mayan messages!


  3. “Beloved, know that you are loved. Be love in all ways, always. Choose all experiences wisely, accepting as truth only those things that bring kindness, love, abundance, joy, peace and hope to you and from you.” To read this Mayan Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 247 at: https://mayanmessages.wordpress.com/days-241-250/


  4. BALANCE “Your God allows you to experience anything you desire. It is your churches, governments, teachers and parents that have convinced you that certain things are unsafe, immoral or illegal. Do you wish to spend your life in a box created by other’s beliefs or would you prefer to climb out of the box and experience new things in order to create your own beliefs? We challenge you to choose the ladder to the latter.” There is much more stated in this Message, please read on by scrolling to Day 222 at: https://mayanmessages.wordpress.com/days-221-230/


  5. Posted by Alexa De KLerk on May 30, 2011 at 9:52 am



  6. Posted by Betty Yoder on October 29, 2010 at 11:22 am

    Thank You.


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