Days 53 – 65

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This Trecena (thirteen day cycle) is overseen by the Day Keeper, Ben. Tune into the energy of Ben to assist with being flexible, like the Reed in your interactions with others. As the Corn Stalk, Ben helps us to remember to be grateful for the harvest, and as a reminder to nurture ourselves and each other through every life phase. For those in leadership positions, Ben offers the Staff of Authority. Call on him for guidance.



Day 53 – Life Experiences

Day 54 – Clear Intentions

Day 55 – Focused Prayers

Day 56 – Advice vs. Sharing

Day 57 – Body Dowsing

Day 58 – Rewriting Old Programs

Day 59 – Purification

Day 60 – Highest Form of Abundance

Day 61 – The Nature of Cycles

Day 62 – Manifest Your Dreams

Day 63 – Forgive the Past

Day 64 – The Path to Mastery

Day 65 – Transforming Belief Codes



Life Experiences

Greetings. I am Ben, accompanied on this day with the energies of Tone 1. Together we wish to thank you for your desire to better your time and space existence on Earth. It is humans like you who are conscious and ready to make changes that will do just that, make changes. The changes we speak of start within and ripple outward on the fabric of what you call time and space. For any change to begin, there first must be a thought. These thoughtforms develop in ways that you cannot fully understand at this time. They are indeed not of this world.

All thoughts originate from the source of your beginnings. Be it known that you are fully connected with the original Source. You are never alone, although it may seem that way at times due to the imposed amnesia that one must endure in order to experience this Realm that you have chosen to be a part of.

In order to make any changes in your life, you must first be conscious that you want to make a change. Things happen each day of your existence. Some are remarkable and rewarding while others are low density and ones you prefer not to experience again. From these events, you decide to make changes. As a child, if you put your hand in the fire and got burnt, it is likely that you will choose not to experience that again and so you choose not to put your hand in the fire again. That is how you make changes in your life.

Through observation, you make choices of what you want to experience and which you would prefer to avoid. Perhaps you witnessed a friend falling off a bicycle and getting badly injured. You may decide at that time that you never want to ride a bicycle because you don’t want to take the risk of falling off and getting hurt. This is a fear-based decision.

Perhaps you witnessed the bicycle injury and noted what the rider had done that caused the fall. Maybe he was showing off and riding with no hands while watching a cute girl. You may decide that bicycle riding is something you wish to do, but choose to always keep your hands on the handlebars and keep your eyes on the road ahead of you. In this case, you have made a decision based on another’s experience.

Maybe you would like to experience what it feels like to have the wind blow in your face or you want to join your friends who like to ride bicycles. In this case, you are making your choice from observation and the desire of the experience itself. This could also include the ease of getting from one place to another. In this case, you may still have some fear of injury, but the benefits of riding helps you overcome your fear enough to learn to ride.

This is how you come about making changes in your life, through observation of what others have done and consciously choosing things you want to experience. It is important to understand that if you want to live a full life and have many experiences, you may have to work through some fears and belief codes first.

It is important to bless the antics of others. It is their experiences that help you make your choices. Each of you is on a different path and will have a multitude of experiences along the way. Each event you participate in will benefit yourself and all others. In the end, you will take all these experiences back to Source.

In the meantime, each of you stores your experiences within your bodies, making you a living library. All events and emotions involved are also stored in the Akashic Records, the greatest library of information related to your universe. At any time, others can visit the library and choose an experience that interests them. This may seem strange to you, but others not of this Realm can visit the library and experience the world through you. That is how special each of your experiences are. Bless every event that you witness and experience. Choose those that lead you to joy and have fun along the way.

Whenever you choose an experience, at anytime you can choose another. You may want to tweak an experience to make it more enjoyable for yourself. Perhaps you will choose to walk away from an experience. You may want to tell others of an experience you had so they can make an informed decision regarding whether they want to have the experience themselves.

When you decide to make a decision based on another’s experience, take into account that the other person is sharing from his or her unique experience. When you share your experiences with others, speak with integrity. Do not be afraid to share the true emotions you felt. When you can share your emotions with others, this is truth. There is no better story than one that can make you cry, laugh or feel like you are experiencing it firsthand.

Ask any person who has excelled at something, which part of the experience excited them the most. Most will say that the excitement of the unknown or the pushing of oneself to go beyond their endurance level that created the excitement. Some are motivated to win a prize or the approval of others. Some choose to be a role model for others. Those who push themselves because they want to go beyond what they have experienced before more likely to enjoy the journey as well as the destination.

We say this to let you know that comparisons or judging others can taint the enjoyment you get out of an activity. Your society is heavily aimed at competition and the goal of rewards. Thus, many times people will not participate in an experience because they feel it is useless or they might be condemned if they do not perfect the skill. This is hogwash and these thoughts must be set aside so you can fully enjoy the experience at the level you choose.

No one has perfected everything they have attempted to do. Those who have mastered specific events become your greatest teachers when they can honestly share the full range of emotions they experienced along the way. Many try to gloss over these emotions because they are embarrassed or not able to share their vulnerable moments of fear, regret, etc.

The point of humanity and life on Earth is to experience Not-Love moments. The Source from which you sprang originally had only Love. We encourage you to experience those Not-Love moments with joy and gratitude. Those who wish to experience only Love are in the wrong Realm. I say this to jar you a little and get your thinking tabs going. Many of your teachers for eons have taught that humans are here to experience only Love. On one level, this is true. However, you have been taught that love is equal to perfection, when all things are flowing smoothly. We say this is not true. In its truest sense, love is perfection. However, when a human equates perfection as an act that has a perfect outcome, there is always going to be disappointment at the end. The journey is as perfect as the destination. Whenever you reach a destination, there is still more to experience. When you understand this, then we can be in agreement that Love is equal to perfection.

Another teaching that has become corrupted is to say that living life is love. If that is true, then does that mean that death is less than love? Be it known that your life on Earth is just a blink of an eye when it comes to the length that your soul is alive in its separation from Source. All are equal, whether your life is currently being played on Earth, on other physical planets or in Realms that have no matter. Your energy is a cloud and like a cloud, it wisps in and out of visuality, mingles and separates from other clouds. There is no judgment among the clouds, they simply are, flowing freely throughout your sky.

You have also misunderstood that Love is happening only when your life is going smoothly. Again, we say hogwash to that notion. When you can feel love and gratitude for every experience, you will have a better understanding of what Source Love is like.

Coal has little worth, except for a few moments of heat. However, take that same lump of coal and place it under extreme pressure and you will alchemically produce a diamond. Now, take that diamond and cut it here and there and it becomes more valuable in the eyes of the beholder. Your life is such. Each and every experience has value. It is up to you to decide what you want to experience and whether or not your journey will be filled with joy or despair. Why not experience both joy and despair? This does not mean you have to dwell for long in either place. How much richer will your life be when you allow yourself to experience both along the way? If nothing else, it makes for a great story to share with others!

Selamet!  Ben 1



Clear Intentions

I am Ix alongside with Tone 2. Today we would like to share some thoughts regarding polarity. In your Realm, there is an infinite amount of choices presented to you each day. Once you get past the belief code that some are right and some are wrong, you can temporarily find yourself at a standstill. It is like taking a child into a toy store and telling him he can have anything he wants, as long as it all fits in the car. He is so awestruck with the possibilities that he doesn’t know where to start.

How do you narrow the choices? First, you must develop the belief code called “goals” for yourself. Many get hung up on these goals, thinking they must reach them or be a failure. We encourage you to set goals with clear intentions but to remain open to changing those goals, when necessary. When a clear intention is set, we will help you reach your goals.

We know that your understanding of the future is limited. From our perspective, we have the advantage of peaking into all future possibilities. We also have the added ability to know what everyone else has up their sleeves. If each of you on Earth had no fears or guilt, spoke your truth and had only love in your heart for yourselves and others, setting goals would be much easier. Let me explain. Perhaps you have set a goal to find a specific job. We help you to acquire your dream job that has all of the qualities you want when it comes to income, location, working environment, hours, etc. Soon, you realize that your boss has the power and inclination to make your life miserable.

So much for that perfect job. You have choices regarding how you will react with this person. For the sake of our example, we will assume that you are being as kind and loving as you can towards this person, yet she continues to make your life a living nightmare. The stress is so overwhelming, you consider leaving your dream job.

You can decide that leaving is in your best interest, you can play the role of victim and feel sorry for yourself or have a dozen other reactions. The point is that you had a goal and you reached it, but due to unforeseen circumstances, you changed your mind and set a new goal for yourself.

What we want to impress upon you today is that you live in a world of polarity. Each of you has the ability to choose which end of the spectrum you want to experience. You can choose to be kind or evil, happy or sad. You can choose to dress well or shabbily, etc.

There are a myriad of choices being made each moment by 6 billion people on your planet. That does not include the plants and animals that are sentient, as well. Here you are, one speck on this grand planet, setting goals for yourself. As you encounter others whose goals mess up your desires, you would be wise to be flexible and go with the flow that leads you to the things you wish to experience.

Also, take into account that there are millions of experiences that you don’t even know about. Through conversations with others and the media, you are constantly exposed to new information. Perhaps your goal was to take a vacation to the Bahamas so you could de-stress from your job. In the grocery store, you picked up a travel magazine that had a story about the Bahamas. As you turned the pages, you saw an article about New   Zealand and felt more of an affinity to go there. And so, you change your vacation destination goal.

Setting goals is crucial if you want to manifest anything in your life. However, being flexible is also important. We will give a small scenario to help you better understand the complexities involved in our work as we assist you from the Other Side.

Picture yourself in a dream job. Your boss has caused you to be so miserable that all you can think about is getting away for a few days. So, you begin to dream about going to the Bahamas laying on the beach. As your vacation time draws near, you get more excited about the prospect. However, you know when you return, the problem will still be there.

In the meantime, you also have dreams of meeting the perfect mate. You would also like to live closer to your family. Although you love your job, your boss has made it unbearable. Although it pays well and has good benefits, the stress is literally making you sick. From our perspective on the Other Side, we are busily trying to create each and every one of your goals. We are checking out all the possible people that might make a good mate for you and who lives near your family. We have found three possible matches for you.

Now, how do we get each of you to meet? We monitor your emotions closely to figure out the choices you are likely to make, as well as the choices the possible mates are likely to make. If each of you has clear intentions, our job is easier. When you are consciously aware, intuitive and connected with your Spirit Guides, life is a breeze. In those cases, you simply follow the strong leads we offer to reach your desired outcome.

However, for most of you it isn’t that easy. When you waver back and forth, it makes it harder for us, although we make no judgment regarding your choices. When you ask for something with passion, we set things in motion to fulfill that request. When you change your mind, know that what we have set up for you is still in motion, so you may experience some backlash until those settle down. In the meantime, we set up new situations to meet the criteria of what you now want. It is common for humans to continually waver, which makes getting your goals accomplished very difficult.

Let’s return to our scenario. You have these main goals that you clearly want to happen in your life: either the same job without the bothersome boss or a new dream job, living closer to your family, finding a good mate, having a good income with benefits and a week in the Bahamas.

Because we can monitor your emotions, we know that deep down the most important wish on your list is to move closer to your family. However, the work market is depressed and you know there are no jobs available with the income and benefits you want.

In this scenario, you have prayed that these goals be met with the highest good of all. We love that clause, because we know that our efforts will create joy in the lives of all involved. However, let it be known that you can choose to experience things that you know will sadden others (your best friend will miss you when you move). Because we have no judgment in the matter, we will do our best to allow that scenario to be played out, as well. We know there is no right or wrong and it is up to each of you to choose what you wish to experience.

Your annual vacation time is coming up and while you are at the grocery store, you purchase a travel magazine with an article about the Bahamas. As you thumb through it that evening, you are entranced with an article on New Zealand. It is more costly than the trip to the Bahamas, but you have a strong urge to go to New Zealand, instead. This is why. In the town where your family lives are the three possible mates who fit the general criteria you are looking for. One is heading to New Zealand on a business trip. The other two are staying at home. Since you haven’t bought your tickets, we know you are still undecided whether to spend your vacation with your family or in the Bahamas. So, we begin to set up possible ways for you to meet these three potential spouses.

As we monitor all four of you, we see that you have told your boss the dates you want to take your vacation. We also see that you are following our lead and leaning towards New Zealand. We impress upon Bachelor(ette) number 1 to extend the business trip one week for sight-seeing. This will put both of you in New Zealand at the same time.

If you both make your plans to be in New Zealand at the same time, we continue with our plans to impress upon each of you to be at certain places at the same time so you can meet. Can you see now why it is easier for us to fulfill your desires when you are awake and not wavering on your goals? Therefore, you both decide to be in New Zealand at the same time. We already know which hotel your possible mate will be staying at because the company has already made the reservations. We will do all we can to get you into the same hotel. As each of you sit in your separate abodes, pouring over travelogues, we are monitoring your reactions. When there are places or experiences that you both are interested in exploring, we will try to make things happen so you will be there at the same time.

Can you see how complex this gets? Has your computer, for some unknown reason, jumped to a website? Have you ever felt a strong urge to call someone, turn on the radio or television but you didn’t know why? These are some of the ways we work to impress your mind with thoughts or by manipulating electronic devices.

Now, you both have plane tickets. If you were paying attention to the impressions we were placing on your mind, you will have chosen the hotel the possible mate will be staying at, even though it cost $20 more a night and wasn’t in a town you were really drawn to visit.

To shorten our story, you finally meet on the third day after missing five of the opportunities we set up for you. You are amazed to find out that the possible mate lives 5 miles from your parents! When you return to your homes, you continue to keep in touch. During your next vacation, you plan to visit your parents with the intention to get to know the potential mate better. You both feel it must be divine intervention for you to have met under such peculiar circumstances.

However, after spending three days together in your hometown, you both decide you would rather remain friends and not go further on the romance scene. We have been monitoring both of you and could see it coming. In the meantime, we have been frantically finding ways for you to meet the other two possible mates while you are in town. Voila! You finally do meet up with one of them. It is love at first sight. After you return to your home, you keep in touch. He comes out to visit you. Both of you decide that you want to be partners forever. You quit your job and move back to your hometown. He is making a good income, which allows you to find a dream job although it pays less income and has no benefits. However, now that you have combined incomes, you don’t need to make so much money. When you marry, you will be covered under his benefits, so you don’t need the full healthcare package at your job. Thus, you get everything you want, although the outcome looks a little different than what you had expected. You never did accomplish the goal of going to the Bahamas and you didn’t accomplish your goal of a job with the same income level and benefits. Yet, overall, the outcome fulfilled all of your desires.

Can see the complexity of working with humans? This scenario basically involved four people; most involve many more than that. In addition, there are many other smaller goals that each of you are setting intentions on. Trying to fulfill everyone’s desires becomes quite complex. When people waver back and forth, it creates even more difficulty.

Often, it is easier for us to heal incurable diseases than to accomplish simpler tasks. This is because when someone is very ill, that person and others fervently pray for their health to be restored. There is passion involved and no wavering. Heal them! The prayer is direct and focused. However, with lesser desires, there tends to be much wavering. “I want this, no, I want that. I only want this if I can have that. No, I think I want this instead.” It takes much patience to be a human’s Spirit Guide!

Each of you has the free will to choose whatever you want to experience. Set goals or intentions, yet know that at any time, you can change them. However, wavering creates a shift that makes it harder to realize your goals. Clear intentions are crucial. Being alert, looking for synchronicities and coincidences, while following your intuition are ways we lead you to your desired outcome. Often, aware people over-hype the coincidences and read more into a situation than is really there. That is how many of you get off track. But, no need for despair, we will continue to try to get you back on track as soon as you overshoot or miss the mark.

The main point we would like to make today is that you not attach yourselves to any goal to the point that you feel you have failed. Like the person in our scenario, there was no failure involved although several goals were not met. Often, much time passes before you can see the blessings in what you felt were failures. Then you can see how the experiences led you to your desired outcome, which many times is better than your initial dream. Set your dreams high. Energize them with passion. Watch for synchronicities. Follow the clues even if you have to go beyond your comfort zone. Then watch your life unfold!

Selamet!  Ix 2



Focused Prayers

I am Men 3 and I welcome you to this time that we are now sharing together. Please take a moment to quiet your outer world. It is a wise practice before you read anything that you feel may be of importance in your life that you first take a few moments to set aside the busy-ness of the day. You will then allow yourself to be fully in the moment and your ability to integrate the information will be greatly enhanced.

We begin now by saying that you are loved beyond all measure. If you have not experienced your Angels, Spirit Guides or your concept of God, we ask that you trust that they do exist. They are ever-present to fulfill your highest dreams. You need simply ask for their help. When you pray, focus your intention on what you would like to see accomplished. Even though you may not fully understand the dynamics of how your prayers will be set into motion, pray anyway. Trust that your prayers will be heard.

The more focused your prayers are, the more able we are to set into motion the events that will lead to your desired outcome. Wavering back and forth tremendously slows down the process while fears and doubts can fully block progression towards your goals. Perhaps there is something you wish for. If you continually hold the belief, “I really want that, but I know I can’t have it.” you will have effectively created a mute point and we cannot move forward in fulfilling your initial dream. When you have thoughts such as, “I can’t have it. That is impossible!” the universe sees these as your truth and will not try to convince you otherwise.

If we were in a social setting and I offered you a piece of cake and you said to me, “No, thank you, it looks lovely, but I can’t have it because it makes me ill.” I would respect your wish and not entice you with the cake. That is what your thoughts of, “I can’t have it. That is impossible.” does to your prayers. Your Angels and Spirit Guides know that nothing is impossible and that you can have anything you desire. However, they cannot and will not impose anything on you that goes against your free will or is not in alignment with your belief codes.

This is why so many of our Messages suggest that you look at your belief codes. Take them apart, brick by brick, and examine them to see which ones are not structurally sound. When you enter this world and as you mature into adulthood, you will pick up other people’s fears and belief codes. Humans tend to mold their self-concept around the way they think others view them.

It is time to grow beyond those limiting beliefs. Take time each day to quiet yourself and examine these codes. During your daily activities, be mindful of your thoughts, your words and the judgments you place on yourself and project onto others. Where did the initial thought come from? Is it still relevant or do you believe differently now?

Pay attention to your behaviors. You will discover that when you change a belief code, the behaviors that accompanied them will remain unless you consciously change them, for they have become habits. Know that at any time, you can drop a belief code and stop an unnecessary habit. This can be done by switching your thoughts. If you find yourself thinking thoughts that you don’t want to have anymore, switch your attention to something else. Watch in amazement as you switch your attention to new things. A whole new world will open to you. You will notice things and wonder, “How could I have not seen that before?” You will begin to look at events through different eyes.

Like any skill or habit that you took time to incorporate into your daily life, it will take time to undo beliefs and habits that hinder you from moving into the world of your highest dreams. As you face your fears and undo habits that no longer serve you, a huge amount of energy will be freed up for you to use as you like. It is similar to a computer. When you load several software programs, hundreds of photographs and dozens of videos, at some point the computer cannot handle any more data. If you have not been paying attention to the little signs: the programs getting slower, you ignore popup warnings, you don’t protect against viruses and such, at some point the computer will crash and simply stop functioning.

The human body is wired in a similar fashion. If you keep pushing yourself and doing things that do not make your life joyous, when you add beliefs that are not your own without cleaning out your files, you are destined to catch viruses, get overloaded and crash. This need never happen if you pay attention to your body, mind and spiritual needs.

To avoid a crash, take time each day to do a scan and note areas of discomfort, including your thoughts, words and actions. Are you enjoying the daily work you do, the people around you and your free time? How do you feel most days, do you feel uplifted or downtrodden?

We encourage you to pay attention to every word you utter and every thought you think. Be especially mindful of gossip, whether it is about people within your circles or whether it comes from media sources. Your thoughts, words and emotions are more powerful than even the wisest among you can imagine. Many of you are engaged in one specific habit that unknown to you is extremely detrimental to the utopian society you spend so much time attempting to create. That is the habit of talking about the doom and gloom of the “End Times.” Much of this comes from the news media and channelings from people who claim to be of the Light.

What we witness over and over are people in conversations such as, “Did you hear that this catastrophic event is going to occur on such and such a date? This part of the Earth is going to be destroyed by this or that event. The dark government is plotting to do this or that.” We could go on and on with the list, but hope that you get enough of the idea to understand what we are trying to impart to you.

Can you see that when you share this knowledge you are helping to energize it? Not only are you focusing your attention on it, you are now bringing it to the attention of others. Whatever you are focusing on becomes your reality in that moment. Now, if you are feeling emotional about it, such as fear or anger, you have energized it. If the person you are talking to puts their emotion into it, you have exponentially energized it. What tends to happen when you are emotional about an issue? You want to share it with others and before long, everyone in your circle is giving it attention and begin spreading the word within their circles and so on.

We understand that in order to make changes, things must be brought into one’s consciousness. There are appropriate times and ways to do this. If you are an activist, the best way to do this is to present the problem along with some solutions or for the purpose of finding solutions. These problems should only be brought up with people that you feel will be part of the solution and not the problem. That is the way you create changes, through group effort. However, when you read and share about these same experiences for the purpose of small talk, to share your fears or for egotistical purposes such as wanting others to know how informed you are, it is the problem, not the solution that is being energized.

There has not been peace on Earth because most of your peace rallies are focused on war. There is still hunger in your world because so much focus has been spent on researching the problem and building institutions instead of showing hungry people how to feed themselves. There is a huge imbalance within all of your major governmental systems because you have handed over your power to others with the attitude of “Big Brother knows best.” or “I don’t want to be bothered.”

If you truly want a utopian society that is full of love, grace and joy, then speak and think of nothing else. Take the steps necessary in your personal life to manifest these ideals. Share the good that has come of it with all who are interested in listening. Walk away from conversations that focus attention on problems rather than solutions. Let those involved know how their words are energizing the negative aspect. Have courage to teach others how powerful their thoughts, words and emotions are.

Be a problem-solver and surround yourself with activists that are focusing attention on the positive end of what you desire and watch the magic unfold. You are all powerful manifestors. With the added support from your Spirit Guides, miracles happen every day. Know that in one sense, we act as computers; we do as you command. We work from the energies you project, more than your words. If fear is the strongest emotion you are emitting, you will block your own progress. It is imperative that you discover fears and belief codes that are inhibiting your ability to create your desires.

Most of you are blind to your darkest fears because you have buried them so deeply. Have courage and bring your fears to the light. Bless them for helping you through previous situations. Know they served a purpose at one time. Let them know they are no longer needed. Feel gratitude for their assistance in bringing you to this moment in time. Replace them with your highest ideals. Each of you has created the reality base from which you perform your daily operations. Although most of you are unconsciously choosing your belief codes, your life will dramatically change when you become aware and begin to choose your beliefs from a more enlightened space.

We encourage you to make it a part of your daily practice to go within and seek out the dark glops of energized thoughts that no longer serve you and to replace them with the higher frequencies of love and gratitude. This was the initial purpose for setting up the Tzolkin calendar eons ago and it is still a valid application for your life today.

Selamet!  Men 3



Advice vs. Sharing

Greetings, I am Cib, welcome to this unique day when Tone 4 and I merge our energies. We are here to share our wisdom and it is our desire that you listen with discernment for those things that ring true for you. At anytime, when you listen to another’s words, tune in with a discerning ear, for not all that is said is meant directly for you.

What we have witnessed within your Realm is that many of you grab onto your gurus and try to incorporate every word of their wisdom into your own Being. This causes confusion and imbalance. Be it known to you that many times those writings are layered. Some messages you may be ready for, while others will make more sense after you have attained more growth and understanding. If you have ever read a book or watched a video then returned to it at a later date and heard messages that you didn’t hear the previous time, you will know what I mean.

Today we wish to speak to you regarding discernment. It is a common practice to read something inspiring and then integrate this belief into your daily life. This is a good practice; however, it becomes a problem when someone proclaims to others that it is “the only way” and insists that others follow this practice. Many friendships and potential wonderful experiences have been thwarted due to this practice.

Be mindful that each of you walks a unique path, having different backgrounds that have caused you to develop a unique set of belief codes. Each of you may take one single document and incorporate the teachings into your life in a unique way. This was meant to be from the beginning of the creation of your universe. Problems arise when humans forget their spiritual roots and live in the illusion of separation from God and each other. We are speaking directly about judging each other and comparing oneself to others. This is the true downfall of man. Not one of you is more precious or better than another. Although some may appear to be more enlightened, they have the same human frailties as you.

Those who have attained the level of Guru or Master, have gone through the same trials and tribulations as the rest of you. They have simply chosen a narrower path, one that keeps them centered and balanced. Many of them have already had a wide variety of experiences that they no longer choose to partake in. We are talking of many lifetimes, not just the current one each of you is living.

It is common for those of you who seek enlightenment to think of yourself as more highly evolved than others. In one sense, this could be true. However, if you look upon yourself as better than another or feel the need to save those “poor souls,” it is likely you are delusional and your ego needs some adjusting.

When you enjoy and seek to help others who are less fortunate than yourself, with no expectations of reward and with no strings attached, then you are likely to be working from your heart. There has been much good done toward others stemming from the desire to save their souls and to convert them to a particular religious order. Although the intentions may be honorable, this creates imbalance.

The person receiving the food, housing, medical attention, etc. knows within their hearts that these gifts come with conditions. In order to continue to receive the gifts, which many times are their basic needs for survival, they know they have to play the game by attending church services, renouncing their native culture and such. It is likely that the ones providing the gifts feel superior because they are helping these “poor souls.” Historically, those who provide the gifts often place themselves into positions of authority, which can quickly lead to overpowering another. This is not love.

Those receiving the gifts are likely to feel suppressed and “less than.” They may have to turn their backs on many of the belief codes within their culture in order to receive their daily bread. They have two choices: to give in or to stand in their truth. Many are willing to die for their truths; what an unfortunate situation, indeed.

It is the human tendency for the need to feel superior that has wreaked so much chaos on this planet. You have the opportunity now to be consciously aware of these pitfalls and to watch your every movement in order to keep yourself from falling into this pattern.

Know fully that your Path is your path only. It is wonderful to share what you have learned with others, but quite another thing to manipulate and force your beliefs on others. Not one of you knows the full desires, intent or purpose of another’s life or why they chose to come to this Earth in the first place.

Please stop looking at others as “poor souls.” Many of those poor souls throughout history were living wonderful lives, fully in tune with Nature before others came along and forced their ways upon them. Many have been murdered because they didn’t choose to believe in the ways of their saviors. How ridiculous to be so arrogant as to think that you are needed to save another! How incredulous we are to observe the saviors killing those who don’t want to be saved!

It is just as ridiculous to see the same scenario played out when it comes to feeding or housing others and giving advice. The world would be such an incredulous place if all of you would stop giving others advice! There is a vast difference between giving advice and sharing knowledge, although it is one and the same for many of you. It is to you that we write these words.

Acknowledge that everyone is unique. Each has enough wisdom within one’s self to make choices. Even addicts can pull themselves out at any time. Know that each is living their life to the best of their ability within the belief codes they currently hold. We know that it is difficult for you to watch those you love make choices that will cause them difficulty. However, we suggest you let them do just that. You have had your experiences; allow them to do the same.

There is nothing wrong with sharing your wisdom with others. However, what we see repeatedly is something like the following. An adult daughter decides she wants to move away from her hometown and head to Hollywood to be an actress. Her mother had the same dream as a child. The mother had run away to Hollywood and had many bad experiences. She then returned home and married a fellow she went to high school with. She still feels as though she is a failure and has some depression related to this unfulfilled dream of being on stage. Understandably, she doesn’t want her daughter to go through the same pain that she went through, so she tries to talk her daughter out of it. When the daughter decides to leave anyway, the mother makes comments such as, “I won’t give you any money. I will disinherit you. You are stupid. Don’t come home whining when you fail.”

This is an example of one using their power over another in order to manipulate them to do what they want. Although the mother feels she is being kind and loving to her daughter by trying to spare her from pain, in essence, she is being manipulative. The mother’s love is skewed by her own fears and resentment. Since she has already had the Hollywood experience, she may also have a sense of superiority.

How much better would it be if the mother had simply shared her knowledge by telling her daughter the story of what happened during her dream to go to Hollywood. She might tell her daughter she is concerned, but it would be better for all if she didn’t try to manipulate her daughter’s decision. It would be wonderful if the mother shared her current discontent for not following her dream. Her honesty might be the key to giving the daughter the push she needs to follow her dream. It is too often that humans hide their true emotions from others and pretend that life is all rosy.

Quite often, those who insist on giving advice only tell part of their story. How much stronger their stories would be if they shared their disappointments and the fears they were harboring when they made those decisions. Giving advice without sharing the entire picture of the emotions that fueled their experience is similar to giving someone a roadmap that leads to a destination other than the one the person has sights on. It’s a path, but not the one the other wants to follow.

Generally, giving advice has strings attached. “I’m going to tell you how to live your life. You should listen to me because I am wiser than you. Follow my instructions and your life will be easier because you won’t have to suffer the bad things I did. If you don’t do as I say, then don’t come crying to me when you fail. Do what you want, but I must say good-bye to you.” Although you don’t always say these things when you are giving advice (even though many of you do), these are the implications of your words to the listener.

Sharing knowledge has an entirely different energy surrounding it. The storyteller is simply sharing experiences. There is no judgment, no expectation that another will follow that path and there is no need to give advice. The attitude is, “This is my story, do with the information as you wish.”

It is no wonder that many of you are prone to lives where you feel compelled to give advice, for many of your religions are based on judgmental gods based on these precepts. Take time to truly reflect on your life and how you felt when you were judged by others. It is likely you felt powerless, subjected and idiotic. This is not love.

Love is allowing others to create their own Path and to make their own choices. Many say that love is forgiving others for things they have said or done. We would like to expand your mind a little by saying that the state of forgiveness is not love. In order to forgive another, you have placed judgment on them; you have labeled their actions as right or wrong. You have placed yourself in a position as being superior over them or seen yourself as a victim for what they have done to you.

When you can see the fuller picture that you all are equal players in this drama you call reality, then you will understand more fully what we are sharing with you. There is no one to forgive. There is no thing to forgive. Everyone is simply doing the best they can in that moment. Although you may know what you are doing is detrimental to yourself or others, you cannot express love any more than you have experienced it. This is why repeatedly we encourage you to go within and discover yourself.

Consciously choose belief codes you wish to live by. Courageously face your shadows, those fears that hold you back. Once you have done this, you will learn to bless the bad things you have said or done. You will bless the wrong decisions you made. You will then know the difference between giving advice and sharing knowledge. You will then understand how detrimental it is to give advice to others.

Then you will be able to teach others in a way in which you will be heard, for your energy will be different. Your message will be received with open hearts because it is being given with an open heart. Others are more likely to listen when someone approaches them with a compassionate heart rather than a sense of “I know what is best for you.” Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you know what is best for anyone.

We give you this advice; don’t give advice! Just kidding, we do have a sense of humor and we do wish the best for each of you. At times, our Messages may seem harsh, but we speak with love and from an advantage of being outside your realm of amnesia.

We look forward to being with you in the higher Realms. Until then, call on us whenever you want support. We are with you always. There are legions of us wishing to support you in all that you endeavor to do. Speak with integrity, set clear intentions and we will support you with no strings attached. You are loved beyond all measure; know this within your hearts.

Go forth and create a wonder full day for yourself!  Cib 4



Body Dowsing

I am Caban 5. Although there are many ways to reach your star brethren, it is wise to know how to do so in a way that will keep you safe. Many of you reading this may not comprehend what we are talking about for you may still be in a place of not believing in the existence of life forms on other planets. This is okay; we do not expect everyone to be ready to hear every message we have to offer. If you are uncomfortable with this topic, we suggest you go back to a previous day’s Message and work on an issue that is weighing on your heart. However, if you open your mind enough to accept our words, you will find that today’s lesson can be just as beneficial when you are communicating with your human brethren.

Just like humans, there are some E.T.s who work with light energies and some who work with dark energies. We make no judgment. However, for those who sincerely want to progress towards unconditional love, it is good to be aware of the following. Some E.T. races have been given a bad rap for events in the past, both in ancient times and in modern times. Please know that it is not correct when you blame all for what one part of a group has chosen to do. There are many levels regarding past experiments and encounters between humans on Earth and Beings from other planets. Do not be quick to judge any activities, for you do not know all of the circumstances involved.

Although some E.T. events may seem to be aggressive, not all are. There have been other experiments and encounters that seemed to be friendly, but they had ulterior motives. Do not judge others, for you do not have the full scope of what is happening in the universe. There are many factors at play and many more about to unfold.

One issue we would like to address regards the manner in which many of you have elevated Beings from other planets as saviors. Know that in the entire universe, there is no savior. Each of you has within you the power to choose what you wish to experience. From your choices, you will experience events; some will create joy while some will create havoc in your life.

Many religions have created images of gods that are saviors. The implication is that humans do not have the intelligence or the innate ability to save themselves. We go further and ask what it is you need to be saved from? If there is no condemning God, then what need have you of a savior to intervene for you?

Every day, people are making choices. Some are beneficial to themselves, but not beneficial to others. Some choices people make are beneficial to others but not for themselves. Since you live in a world of polarity and free will, you can expect some will make choices that are detrimental to others and themselves. Each day, every one of you makes a myriad of choices, some good and some harmful, each leading you to the next decision. Every possibility is available to you.

When it comes to visitors from other planets, know that the same is true for them. They also have the ability to make choices, some good for themselves, but harmful to you; some good for you, but harmful to them. Like you, many are experiencing new events and testing out their powers of free will.

We suggest you use caution when dealing with extra-terrestrials. Do not elevate any of them to the status of God and do not take everything they say as all-knowing. Recognize that some may be charming, but have ulterior motives. They are individuals with the same abilities to think on their own or to follow the directives of others.

How can you discern those who are speaking the truth? It is not unlike the same ability to discern the motives of other humans. First, you can make a heart connection with these folks, on an individual basis. You need not do this face to face since many of your interactions may not be on a personal basis. On Day 36, we shared how to make heart connections with others. What I would like to emphasize today is how to make a heart connection with someone you have not met personally or when there is physical distance between you and the other.

In this case, you can make the heart connection by calling in your Higher Self. How can you do this? Simply state your intention. You can either do this aloud or hold a firm thought in your mind that you want to make a clear connection. Each of you are at varying levels of connecting with your Higher Selves. Some of you already have clear communication and can talk clearly, as though you were conversing with another person. Some of you are at the level where you require dowsing tools or body mechanics.

Those of you who are new to connecting, we will briefly introduce one form of body dowsing. It is not that we believe there is one system that is superior to communicating with your Higher Self; we mention this particular tool because of its simplicity and brevity in describing how to perform it. However, we do not want to get too far off task today; there will be other times when we will show you ways to make contact with your Angels and Guides.

The goal today is to learn a method by which you can know the energies of an E.T. or another human so you can better discern how to respond to their teachings. A simple form of body dowsing is to ask a direct question in a “yes” or “no” format. Keep the question simple; there is actually an art form to asking questions in a concise manner. However, for our purpose today, we ask you to practice with questions such as, “Is my name________? Do I have a dog? Am I a female?” Practice with easy questions you know the answers to. Avoid esoteric questions or those that are not your business.

First, stand erect in a balanced position. If your answer is a “yes,” your body will slightly move forward. In reverse, if the answer is “no,” your body will gently sway backwards. This technique is very subtle and works best when you are completely balanced, loose and hydrated. We suggest you practice any technique you choose quite often before relying on the results. This is also a great way to shop for food and vitamins. Simply hold the object in your hand or near your heart and ask if it is in your best interest to take this product. There are many ways you can use this simple technique.

However, for today’s purpose, we are suggesting this technique as one of many possible ways to discern the level of trust you can hold in another person, whether they are of this planet or beyond. Those of you who are reading this out of curiosity, but do not believe in E.T.s, let it be known that there have been records of contact in many ancient writings, literature and art. Many times, the Angels were E.T.s. Even if you do not believe in E.T.s, you can use this technique to help with your interactions with humans.

The goal is to find out where the other person is coming from. Are they coming from a place of light and sincerely have your best interests at heart? Or, is the other Being from the dark and trying to manipulate you into doing something that ultimately is not in your best interest? Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between the two.

When you make a connection with your Higher Self and the Higher Self of the other person involved, there can be no lies. The truth must be told. Once you fully develop a clear connection with your Higher Self and others, a whole new world literally opens up to you.

When you meet others, you can connect with both of your Higher Selves and ask clear and concise questions related to the meeting. Let us say you meet an E.T. or human who offers you a deal you can’t refuse. How do you know if it is in your best interest? Simply make the heart connection. You can either do this aloud or very clearly in your imagination. State that you wish to make a connection at this time.

With practice, you will know when you have made the connection with your Higher Self and those of others. Sometimes you will feel the energy through goose bumps, a sense of peace or a warming of the body. Everyone is different. You can ask your Higher Self if the person you are concerned about is speaking from the Light. Pay attention to which way your body sways. As your conversation ensues with the other person, you can ask your Higher Self as well as their Higher Self specific questions, remembering to ask them in a yes or no format.

As an example, let us say that you encounter a man you have never met before in a store. He seems nice, is clean-shaven and wearing nice clothes. You don’t feel any particular emotions about this person. You meet at the bulletin board where each of you is looking at advertisements for upcoming local events. You notice he is posting an event and ask him if he is the one hosting this event. He answers in the affirmative as he shows you the poster. The poster states that he is a hypnotist and is having a gathering to demonstrate his skills to others.

In the past, you have seen hypnotists on television. You ask him if he will be having people cluck like a chicken. He assures you that hypnosis is safe, that he is reliable and can be trusted. This is when you can use your skill to determine if this fellow is of the light or the dark. Quietly connect with your Higher Self and the man’s Higher Self. He need not know what you are doing. Ask your Higher Self if this fellow is working with the light. Pay attention to which way your body sways. Let’s say the answer is affirmative, as you slightly sway forward.

You can then ask a myriad of questions, depending on what you wish to know. “Is this fellow trying to use mind-control over others? Is he sincerely interested in helping others overcome health issues and dependencies? Is he using his skill as a hypnotist to try to make money, regardless of the outcome to his clients? Is it in my best interest to attend this gathering?” You might choose to get the fellow’s contact information and ask these questions when you return home and there are fewer distractions. We also want to let you know that you can get different answers, depending on whether you are asking your Higher Self or another’s Higher Self. You may ask a question such as, “Is this person reliable when he makes a diagnosis while his client is under hypnosis?” You may get a “yes.” Then you may ask, “Can he tell me why my neck hurts so much?” You may get another “yes.” Before you make an appointment to have him help you with your physical ailments, delve further with your Higher Self and intuition.

He may be able to diagnose a medical condition for you. However, if it is in the best interest for you not to know about this condition or if there are other factors involved, he may not be able to give an accurate reading. Know there are many complexities involved in every situation. Do not look to others to save you and do not accept their advice blindly.

Know that you have within you the ability to find answers to any question. It does take practice to learn to filter out the truth from the garbage. It is easy to dupe yourself because of fears and old belief codes. We know this can sound frustrating and you may be thinking, “How in the world can I ever determine the Truth?” On some layers, there is no such thing as truth, for so many things are relative to your belief codes.

How much of what you believed as a child do you still hold dear to your heart as the absolute truth? As you mature, you learn to discern. No decision you ever made needs to be classified as right or wrong, they were simply decisions you made based on the belief codes you were currently working from. Each decision has the power to help you experience a unique set of circumstances.

Why did we use the example of extra-terrestrials instead of keeping at the level of human interaction? We want you to know that there are already those walking among you who were not born on this planet. Soon, they and others will be exposing themselves to the public more often. There has been so much fear regarding contact with E.T.s that we know many good messages have the potential to go unheard.

We also know that many E.T.s with ulterior motives can easily sway masses of you, especially those who are waiting for saviors. We encourage you to find ways to make heart connections with others, so you can determine who is of the light and who is of the dark. Take the messages of others with a grain of salt. If the message feels right, then look into it further with your dowsing and intuition. If the message feels wrong, then look into it further by going within and seeing if you are reacting due to fear or out-dated belief codes.

If you take time each day to follow the Messages we present to you, soon you will be able to make decisions that are for your highest good. We offer you many ways to go within and clear out the clutter, so all your future choices will be made in your highest good. Once you have eliminated many of your fears, you will begin to soar as the eagle from above, with a greater sense of discernment because you will be able to see the greater picture.

With practice and clear intent, it will become easier for you to make choices that are for your highest good. You already have everything you need within you to make clear choices, we are simply here to remind you of your innate powers. We wish you well and hope you will take time today to go within and seek ways to better connect with your Higher Self. We take leave now and send many blessings to you. Remember, we are E.T.s, too!

Selamet!  Caban 5



Rewriting Old Programs

I Am Etznab. The encouragement I offer today is to look within yourself. Your life is like a hall of mirrors in the fun house at carnivals. Wherever you look, there you are. Sometimes what is reflected back is pleasing to you; sometimes the reflections are grotesque. Some make you giggle, while others make you look away. Stand or sit as close as you comfortably can in front of a mirror. Remove eyeglasses, if you have them on. Clear your mind from the details of the day as you take a few deep breaths in and out. Relax with each breath.

Gaze, with as little blinking as possible, into your eyes. Look deeper and deeper into your eyes. Do your best not to look away. Ask yourself, “Who am I?” Listen for answers you hear inside your head. Continue asking, “Who am I?” several times, while listening for answers. You may find that you hear a variety of answers. As you repeatedly ask the question, the descriptions of yourself may get more and more profound. You may hear things such as, I am (your name). I am a parent. I am American. I am sad. I am a child of God.

This is your inner voice connecting with you. On one level, you will connect with your brain or inner consciousness. This is where you have stored all of the belief codes about yourself. When you start to hear more expansive descriptions about yourself, especially those that seem strange to you, it is likely you are tuning into your Higher Self, that portion of you that remains in the Spirit Realm and is your connecting link to the higher Realms. If you are new to this connection with your Higher Self, do not take all you hear literally. In time, you will learn to discern which thoughts are from your body, which are from your Higher Self and which are from outside influences or mind chatter.

After you have finished gazing into your eyes, write down the thoughts that came into your head while you stood before the mirror. Consciously pay attention to these thoughts and see if you can remember where they originated. Obvious ones such as “I am a parent” needs no further study. Those that are light and cause you to feel good need no attention other than taking time to bask in the warm feelings they give you.

We encourage you to focus on the thoughts that made you feel uncomfortable. Peer at one thought at a time. Feel the tension it creates in your body. Is there a particular place you feel this tension: your neck, your lower back, your abdomen? If the warm, fuzzy thoughts made you uncomfortable, then you may have blocks to receiving love. We highly recommend Louise Hay’s reference book, Heal Your Body,* which shows places where humans tend to store specific thought patterns in their bodies. This may help jog your memory to the initial thought that created the belief code you are trying to uncover.

Can you remember a specific event in which you felt this particular discomfort? Is your memory triggered to the event when this thought initially occurred? Have you had this thought about yourself for as long as you can remember? If you pull up memories that are painful, ask your Guides to remove the pain. If you would like to delve deeper into the memory, you can ask that you go back as an observer and watch the events unfold, without feeling the emotions. Then go back, observe and find ways you can release the unwanted emotions you felt at that time. The bottom line of this exercise is to release the negative emotions. This may involve forgiving others and yourself. You may need to take responsibility for your part of the event. If you have experienced deep wounds in which you were the victim, the forgiveness part may be something you can’t even consider at this time. If you are hesitant to work on these wounds by yourself, seek professional advice.

If you continue to hold onto anger, hate, fear and these types of emotions, they will show up in your body as disease. This is the stuff that creates cancer, heart disease and addictions. You may feel justified in your desire to hold onto these feelings. You may feel that you need to hold onto these feelings to protect yourself from being hurt again. You may feel a variety of reasons to hang onto your hurts. This is your choice; we hold no judgment in what you choose to do. However, we are of the light and it is our joy to help you feel the joy we feel. When you ask for support in helping yourself to heal, we are motivated to work towards helping you release these toxic thoughts from your system.

There are many exercises available to help you forgive others and to change your way of thinking so you no longer find yourself playing the role of victim. We speak now to those of you who are ready to rise above the negative experiences and to reach for the higher Realms. One method to forgiving yourself and others involves a policy of “Fake it ‘til you make.” Have you ever watched a movie or listened to a story that emotionally engaged you? It matters not whether it was fiction or based on a factual event, you responded as though it were real and cried, laughed or felt various other emotions. You were feeling the experience as though it were your own or feeling compassion for those involved in the story. Your subconscious mind was taking the story literally, for it does not know the difference between fiction and reality.

This knowledge can be used as a healing process. You can program your unconscious mind to record events to help yourself heal. Let us say that you had a deep childhood wound which left you afraid of something or deeply angry at another. In order to “fake it ‘til you make it,” you can program selected affirmations into your being by repeating specific phrases. Affirmations have proven to be very effective for some people. However, we are going to go beyond positive affirmation statements.

What we encourage you to do is to write down a few specific statements, such as, “I forgive my father for doing this or that to me. I release all anger at my mother for saying this or that.” If you had a traumatic incident such as a near drowning experience that left you afraid of being in deep water, you can write something like, “I enjoy floating on water.” Be brave and look at your wound as deeply as possible; again we would like to remind you that you can look back as an observer in order to avoid feeling the pain you had during the initial event. There is no need for you to ever feel the negative emotions again. However, these emotions do need to be released in order for you to fully experience a healthy life on Earth.

As you prepare to write your statements, we encourage you to strive for your highest desire. As you heal, you may find yourself able to go even higher. For example, let us pretend that you nearly drowned when you were young. As a result, you are now afraid to be in water that reaches above your knees. While creating your affirmative statements, you may find yourself feeling intense anxiety at the thought of floating in water over your head. If possible, write it anyway. After you have tried the visualization a few times, if you find it too stressful and distracting, then go ahead and rewrite the statement with something you can better handle, such as standing in calm, clear water up to your thighs. Once you have mastered visualizing yourself in thigh deep water, then move beyond your comfort zone to deeper waters. The purpose of writing these statements is to give yourself a clear focus of what you wish to heal.

The next step is to visualize the effects you want to experience. During this step of the process, it is important to incorporate all of your senses and to feel the emotions surrounding the event. In this case, you are projecting your senses into feeling the event, making it as real as possible. Remember that your subconscious mind does not know the difference between fiction and reality. What you are doing is replacing the old story with a new story. The more you can inject the feelings as though they are real, the more successful your healing process will be.

We invite you to begin. Repeatedly state your affirmation out loud. “I enjoy floating on water.” This engages your senses of hearing and speaking. Push through your feelings of being uncomfortable and visualize yourself floating on a lake. Perhaps you will see yourself on a rubber raft. Feel the rubber under your body. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Taste the water, is it fresh or salty? Feel the balmy breeze on your skin. What do you hear: sea gulls, children playing, soft music, airplanes flying overhead? Smell the rubber from the raft. Are you alone or with friends? Allow your body to relax. Start with your toes, relaxing one at a time. Move up your legs and continue relaxing each muscle, all the way to the top of your head. Hear yourself gently repeating, “I enjoy floating on water. I enjoy floating on water. I enjoy floating on water.”

It is rare that a full release occurs the first time you do visualizations such as this. The deeper the wound and the more you hold onto an emotion within your belief code, the harder it may be to change the thought which is engrained. However, be of good cheer, any thought or habit that you have created can be uncreated! We encourage you to repeat the visualization process as often as possible. Always strive for the highest emotions of love and gratitude you can muster. There will come a time when you will sense an energy shift or just know that the issue has been resolved. At this point, physical healing can occur. You will have the ability to dissolve cancer and other forms of disease that have been locked within your auric field. There are many layers involved in healing past wounds and re-creating thought patterns. Move at your own pace.

As we move through the Tzolkin calendar, each day we will show you ways you can peel back the layers that keep you from experiencing Heaven on Earth. We invite you to call on us for support. Know that you are surrounded each moment by Spirit Beings who are at your beck and call to help you to experience whatever it is you desire. We hold no judgment of you or the choices you make. You see, there are many of us who do not desire to enter the dense, physical structure in which you find yourself. However, through you, we can experience and understand more fully the Dimension in which you reside. We thank you for this opportunity to serve you and to experience through your eyes.

Be of good cheer, we are always near. Have a happy day. We are here to stay!

Selamet!  Etznab 6



Cauac  7    Purification

I am Cauac. On this day I would like to share with you teachings regarding purification. There is much talk among you about ascension and becoming perfect in order to escape this madness on the planet Earth. We would like to tweak your understanding a bit and put things into a more positive light.

The ascension process is simply movement towards understanding unconditional love and compassion. Each of you is going through this process every moment of your life. There are some who feverishly focus on attaining the goal of perfection, but know that if this is your main focus, you are likely to miss out on a whole lot of living along the way. There is no rush, except that which you impose upon yourself. Learn to relax, stay in the moment and seize opportunities to love each and every person, animal, flower and event that comes to your attention. It is when you bring yourself into the moment that you will find a multitude of opportunities to practice unconditional love and compassion for yourself and others.

Purification simply means to cleanse. What is it that you need to cleanse? Yes, your body can use an occasional cleanse by bathing in water. We will take one moment at this time to address a side issue related to bathing. Pay attention to the soaps and shampoos you use. Recognize that your outer covering, that which you call your skin, is your largest body organ. Human skin is designed to absorb nutrients from sunlight and the Earth. Can you not imagine how readily it absorbs lotions, creams and sunscreens? There is much research available to you on this topic; we suggest you inform yourselves and make better judgments on the products you select. We also suggest that you bathe less frequently. You will find that as you improve your diet, your body smells will become pleasantly fragrant. Sometimes a rinse is all that is needed. Remember to bless and thank the water as you immerse yourself with its cleansing and healing properties!

We shall return now to the lesson at hand. What other ways can you purify yourself? Through your thoughts! Once again, we return to the issue of paying attention to your thoughts, words, actions and feelings, for it is here that you have the power to purify your body, mind and soul.

The first step in purification of the physical body is to fast, which allows your body time and energy to purge itself of unnecessary toxins and stored substances. During this purification process, it is common to feel fatigue and to have a myriad of side effects such as skin rashes, diarrhea and headaches as your body removes stored toxins from your cells. These toxins are creating havoc as they pass through your circulatory and digestive systems. Once purged, the body feels invigorated. It is wise to drink much water during this process to assist in the restoration of healthy cells.

We have lightly touched on a purification process for the outer body and inner body. Yet there is much more you can do in order to rid yourself of dis-ease, both physical and mental. This step focuses on thoughtforms and their effects on your body, your relationships and the universe. Louise Hay’s* work in this field is highly recommended as a resource for discovering where in the body you have stored your past negative thoughts.

Again, we speak of how negative thoughtforms glop together. When a person makes statements such as, “I am sick and tired of this. That is such a pain in the neck! You’re killing me!” he is in actuality creating disease in his body. Many times, it is not the actual words that are the cause of the disease; it is the emotion behind the words that are the trigger.

For example, you do not like your job, yet you hang on, dragging yourself there day after day. It becomes harder for you to be cheerful. You have more and more thoughts of how you don’t like your job and how you wish you were somewhere else. Unfortunately, most humans are working at an unconscious level. Although it is true that you don’t like this job, you tend to complain rather than make conscious choices on how to change the situation.

You may not be aware that thoughts and complaints such as, “I am sick and tired of this place. I didn’t want to get up and come here today. They don’t pay me enough. I hate my co-workers and boss. I would give anything to be able to walk out of here right now!” are actually catalysts that your Angels use to help you get out of this situation.

Things that seem negative to you may occur, such as becoming increasingly sick and tired. You find it harder and harder to get up and go to work each day. They don’t pay you enough? If you keep this belief code, you will be correct; they never will pay you enough. With your attitude alone, it is less likely they will reward you with more money! Take time to look at your attitude towards your co-workers. How much of the discord is due to the other person’s behavior and how much of the discord is due to your attitude and judgments toward these people? With statements such as, “I would give anything to be able to walk out of here right now!” you might find yourself handed a pink slip.

Your Spirit Helpers surround you each and every moment. It is their pleasure to help make your dreams a reality. They do not pay attention to all the words you speak, for there is much you say that is nonsense. What they do pay attention to are the feelings behind your actions. If it has become evident that you are not happy in the job you chose, they are more than happy to help you change that situation.

How much more gracefully situations can change when you are paying attention to your thoughts and feelings! Can you see how much better it would be if you came to the conscious understanding that you wish to change circumstances at work, your attitude or to get another job?

Your first step is to purify your thoughts, words and actions. If you do not, no matter what future job you hold, you will carry those habits, attitudes and belief codes with you. In order to have a satisfactory job, it is necessary for you to go within and look at the belief codes that got you into your current job position.

Look at why you stay in jobs and relationships that are not in your best interest. You will uncover fears and belief codes that you have outgrown. Many hold onto jobs for security and the benefits. Although there is nothing inherently wrong with this, if you continue to remain in an unsatisfactory job position, eventually you will create discord, even if it is done subconsciously, and you may put your physical and mental health at risk.

Break through your old belief codes and free yourself to choose careers that make you smile and be in joy! How many of you are in your chosen position because you or others such as your parents or friends felt it was right for you? If you have discovered that it is not right for you, take courage, go out and explore other avenues.

Know that you can take this information and apply it to any aspect of your life: friends, relationships, events, even the next book or movie you engulf yourself in. Pay attention to what you would truly like to experience in life. Look around and choose the steps that lead you toward this goal. Watch for coincidences and synchronicities that lead you to the next step or a person who has answers or assistance for you.

Many times, your Spirit Helpers will have things set up for you, but you miss the clue. There will always be more clues set in front of you. Perhaps the next job opportunity isn’t your ideal situation, but it has enough of what you want to move you toward the next step. Perhaps it will free up your time and energy to pursue the education you need for the dream job. Maybe it has no benefits, but it pays very well which will allow you to save the funds you need to move to the location where you would rather reside. In many cases, you can expect to meet people and gather skills that you will find useful in your next pursuit.

We offer you encouragement to step out of your comfort zone and to move toward your goals. Know that each step has its importance and an abundance of blessings. Many times, in hindsight, you can see the blessings and value of the current circumstances that are not harmonious with you. Be grateful for every person, place and event you encounter on your daily walk and expect miracles to happen!

As you focus more on gratitude and the blessings of each moment, your negative thoughts will become more positive. These are signs that you are growing in your understanding of love. Know that your thoughts never die. Negative thoughts glop with other negative thoughts while loving thoughts continue to flow freely and kiss everything along the way.

It is imperative to understand how powerful your thoughts and emotions are. They are the fabric of your universe and as they interweave with the thoughts and emotions of others, a quilt is formed. Each quilt is unique with the power to make others smile and keep them warm. Or, is it a quilt with holes that lets in a draft? Do you hold onto your quilt tightly in fear that someone may take it from you or do you share your quilt with others in need? Take a look at an aerial view of the Earth and notice how she looks like a quilt. Each one of you is responsible for creating and designing the patterns of the Earth quilt. What do you want it to look like? What functions do you see for the Earth quilt? What can you, as an individual, do to make this quilt cozier and more comforting?

Have courage and take the steps necessary to purify yourself and then share this knowledge with others. Soon, the whole world will be bathed in the light of purification and the true meaning of ascension will dawn on each of you. It is not the destination, but the journey that is of importance. Take time each day to reflect on ways you can purify yourself. Take the necessary steps to move forward. Dream big for all is available to you! Release concerns of “not enough of this or not enough of that” and find ways to make your dreams a reality. Whatever you feel you are lacking, know there is someone who has abundance and would love to share it with you!

Selamet!  Cauac 7



Highest Form of Abundance

I am Ahau. Together with Tone 8, we welcome you to this grand and glorious day. Today, we would like to focus our attention on the infinity symbol, which looks like the numeral 8 lying on its side. The infinity symbol often represents an infinite supply of abundance. What comes to mind when you think of the word “abundance?” Many list material things, with money being high on the list. Although abundance comes in all sorts of material ways, we would like to focus your attention today on other types of abundance and how to manifest these into your life.

If I were to pose the question, “What is the highest form of abundance?” What would you reply? Some may say wealth, health, wisdom or knowledge. All these things indeed are forms of abundance. Yet only a few would look at friends and family as a source of abundance. How many of you thought of your pets or plants as a form of abundance? One of the greatest gifts of abundance comes in the form of unconditional love. If you have the love of all men and all things, there would be an increasing desire to share all your health, wealth and wisdom with others. In your prayers, seek for ways you can increase the abundance in the world by releasing any fears or blocks that stop you from being a fully loving conscious Being. The abundance you seek lies within you. Through the ages, many wise sages have written about the law of the universe that promises, “What you give, you shall receive.” However, in your hearts do you truly believe these words?

Many of you are operating at a low level of self-esteem, believing you have little to offer and are not worthy of receiving life’s greatest gifts. Your conditioning has created blocks to accepting gifts from strangers and those who love you. Remove these blocks and let the energy of love bathe you, finding yourself worthy to receive.

Others of you live from the opposite extreme. You give of yourself to the point of exhaustion and bankruptcy, yet find it difficult to receive from others. You constantly turn down acts of kindness from others or pass their gifts onto others because you feel they are more deserving. We challenge you to rethink the reasons you do this. We do not judge these decisions; we simply ask that you take time to go within and see if you are harboring underlying issues of unworthiness.

Many of you proclaim your generosity to others when you give gifts, saying you don’t want or need anything in return. Yet you grumble when you do not receive a gift in return of at least equal value. This is what happens most abundantly during holidays when gift giving is expected. We suggest you deeply delve into the reason you give a gift in the first place. Gifts that are not given from the heart or have expectations attached to them are nothing more than bribery.

True abundance will come into your life in all forms, both seen and unseen. When you gift another with no expectations of receiving anything in return, not even a note of gratitude, you will know you are closer to giving from the heart. Many of you think you are there already. I offer you a test. Give gifts to others in the form of material objects, favors, prayers or kind deeds, without their knowledge. Do this without telling anyone what you have done. Pay attention to how you feel. Is it bothering you that no one is praising or thanking you? Are you upset if no one notices things you have done? If so, you will know that you still have an issue of attachment to your gift giving. When you can pass holidays without giving gifts that don’t come from your heart and can joyfully share with others without any desire to receive recognition or reciprocation, you will know that you have learned to truly give from the heart. Unto you has been given the promise of abundance.

As the Masters have observed, as you give unto others, so shall you receive. What is it you wish to have an abundance of? If it is health, wealth and wisdom, then share gifts of health, wealth and wisdom. If it is joy, kindness and love, sow joy, kindness and love. If it is material objects, share material objects. It is a law of the universe that what you sow, you shall reap. If you plant a tomato seed, do you expect to reap carrots?

We encourage you to take time to go within and to reflect on these words. Be objective and fervently seek for ways to release any attachments and emotions that cause you to expect a return for your gifts. How can you release negative thoughts and emotions that keep you from holding pure love and good will towards others? Seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. These are not idle words, but a secret passage into a world of unbelievable knowledge and wisdom. This world was created to be a perfect manifestation of abundance beyond measure. As you study with us, you will be shown tools to help you understand how to loosen your shackles and enjoy the fresh air of freedom. All lies within you, but you must take the time to loose yourself. Otherwise, you will stay bound and gagged, with only yourself to blame. The door is unlocked, you need only step through and claim your righteous inheritance.

Selamet!  Ahau 8



Imix  9    The Nature of Cycles

I am Imix, Guardian of the door to New Beginnings; where there is completion, new doors open unto you. Take time now to think of something you have recently completed. It can be as grand as ending a huge project or saying good-bye to a loved one, or it can be as simple as having finished washing the supper dishes. Choose one event that you have completed to focus on today. What doors have opened as a consequence of finishing this activity? How do you feel as you end this task or event? Is there a feeling of accomplishment, joy or desperation? Are you ready to release any ties to the event in order to keep moving forward? Many times, there is a sense of guilt associated with endings. You are trained from youth to keep seeking new goals. Often the goal becomes the reason for doing the deed while much is lost during the journey.

We suggest you pay more attention to what is occurring each moment. While you are washing dishes, are you feeling gratitude for the meal you just had? While eating, did you pay any mind to the plants or animals that have given their life for your sustenance? Did you give any attention to those involved in the processing, transportation or sale of those food items? While eating, did you give thanks to all involved? Have you ever wondered about the factory workers or pottery makers that spent their time creating the plates and cookware you used to prepare the meal? Do you consult with your body to ask what it needs? Do you mindfully chew your food in order to assist your body in the digestion process and thus retain the nutrients needed to support your health?

As you end the process of the meal by washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, wherein lies your thoughts? Are you focused on future events? Are you planning what you will do with the remainder of the evening? Are you still in the moment, giving thanks for your many blessings surrounding the meal?

It is important to pay attention to endings of cycles, no matter how trivial they seem. Paying attention to what is happening in the moment will allow you to find satisfaction and joy in all things. Many of you start tasks with the goal of completing them, yet no joy is found along the way. When you come to the end of the journey, there is just a hurried sense of getting on with the next project. You were taught this method of living in your schools. You were given assignments with deadlines, day after day. They were to be completed by the deadline or you would be punished with a bad grade, no matter how good the output. The same filtered over into your work life. Once again, you were given deadlines to fill. Many times the quality didn’t matter as much as the quantity of mass-producing items. The deadline became the main objective.

You didn’t have time to sit back and look at what you had created because you were already being pushed into the next event that has a new deadline. Many, especially in the business world are juggling several deadlines at once. It is no wonder that so many are dying of stress related diseases. It is no wonder that joy is lacking in your life. You have not remembered to stop and smell the roses. Those of you who have distanced yourself from Nature are having the most difficult times, for Nature is healing and restorative. There you will find peace and balance. Look at the forests and natural wonders of the world. Nature has no deadlines, yet all is done on time. The seeds know when to sprout. The leaves know when to fall. The birds know when to migrate. The bears know when to hibernate.

You can learn much from Nature through observation. Take time to quiet your outer world and go within. Think of ways you can become more balanced. Find ways to become more in tune with the natural cycles of the world. With the advent of technology, your world has become out of balance.

Let us take a look at the farmers of old, before corporations possessed them. They arose at dawn and had a good, solid meal. Off to the fields they would go, breathing in clean, fresh air. They were always available to help their neighbors, whether it was to build a barn or plow a field. Sharing of tools and work animals was commonplace. As the sun went down, they would retire for the evening. The family lived together as one unit, usually four generations in the house, each having jobs to do. There wasn’t the stress to run off to the city to punch a time clock. Families knew their neighbors. Children learned to caretake animals and grow their own food. Entertainment was provided through their music and art.

As the industrial age pressed upon them, the farmers got farther away from planting with the moon cycles and their known ways of forecasting weather. Even larger cycles such as allowing the soil to rest in the winter were changed when the advent of pesticides, green houses and other unnatural means of producing food were introduced. Your foods now are full of toxins. Fruits and vegetables are transported 1500 miles or more from where they are grown which necessitates unnatural means of ripening and food storage. How many farmers live off their land? Very few, for most are forced into monoculture farming, raising only one or two crops each year. This also creates a burden on the soil, depleting it of valuable nutrients resulting in food products that lack minerals necessary for health.

Next, the food is whisked off to processing plants that further destroys any remaining nutrients. Thus, by the time the food reaches your table, it is void of nutrients and has had the life force irradiated out of it. Much of what each of you consumes today is not only toxic, it is completely unnatural. Much of the obesity that exists is due to the body storing all of these unnatural items that it doesn’t know what to do with. This creates liver dysfunction and clogged cells throughout your body.

Why have we gotten off on this tangent? To show you the importance of paying attention to what is going on around you each and every moment. Did you think when we started this dialogue that washing dishes was quite a minute part of your life? In one sense, yes, it is. However, when you take time each night as you wash the dishes to pay attention to the various aspects previously mentioned, you will find that some important life choices were involved in the meal.

How important is the job you invest so much of your time in? Is that job beneficial to you or simply a means to an end, an end that never comes? What percentage of time that you engage in this job, including morning preparation and the drive to and from work, do you find joy and satisfaction? If the percentage is low, then we encourage you to find another way to support yourself. Many of you are in great fear of changing jobs or other areas of your life because you are attached to the material rewards and what others expect of you.

There are a growing number of people who are making great changes in their lives. They have looked around and found how dissatisfying their lives have become. They discovered they had hooked into a system that treats them like a robot. They have been robbed of life savings from mismanagement of their funds while they are over-paying for services that are free in other societies. Many are lonely, for they live so far from loved ones. You have lost your sense of tribe and forgotten how to share with your neighbors. Many of you have become overly attached to the technologies that surround you. Just how many televisions can one watch at a time? Why do you need five clocks in one household? Is it all that difficult to walk into another room to throw your trash away rather than own eight trashcans?

Look around your environment. How much stuff do you have that you don’t enjoy? Perhaps you want to enjoy it, but are too busy making money either to make ends meet or to buy a new house, toy or car that is bigger and better? Step back; take time to re-discover who you are. Have the courage to step out of the box and reclaim the wishes of your childhood. When you were a child, many of you had more time to dream of things you wanted to experience or accomplish in your life. However, you got busy or others stomped on your dreams and you let them fall to the wayside.

Take time now to reflect back on dreams you set aside. Are they still valid? Do you still want to motorcycle across the country or climb Mt.Everest? Do you still dream of having a log cabin in the woods surrounded by a white picket fence? What dreams do you wish to explore? What is hindering you from fulfilling those dreams?

We encourage you to look closely at your dreams and find ways to make them reality. Peer pressure keeps many from speaking out. We suggest you move forward anyway. Seek out those who have stepped out of the box and moved forward with their lives. These are the people who will support you the most, for they have already pressed through their inner fears and the ridicule from others around them. You may be astounded to find out how many live vicariously through them, sometimes feeling resentment and sometimes feeling joy and a sense of hope that one day, perhaps they too will find freedom in their lives.

You may need to make great changes such as leaving a church, ending a relationship, changing jobs or moving to a new location. Each one of these takes great courage, but the rewards are well worth the effort. If you are not ready to make great changes, start by allowing yourself to dream. Many of you have lost the art of imagination, yet this is the keystone to any great change. If you can visualize it, if you can feel it, if you can taste it, then you can create it! Have the courage to move forward. Have the wisdom to live in the moment, paying attention to what is happening around you. Everything is literally an attitude away. If you are not happy, do not blame others. The belief codes you have chosen are steering the boat to whatever course you are currently on.

Have you ever wondered why some people can forgive others of great transgressions or why some people are always happy, no matter what circumstances they are in? It is because they have learned to hold themselves responsible for their own actions and allow others to be responsible for the choices they have made. Talk with these people and learn from them. They are your greatest teachers. We hope that the next time you wash your dishes, your mind will expand to the point where you will know that all things are possible and that your happiness and joy in life is truly a gift and your birthright.

Selamet!  Imix 9



Ik  10    Manifest Your Dreams

I am Ik. Welcome to this blessed day in which exists all possibilities. Of the myriad of choices available, what will you choose? Do you know that you are in control of your destiny? Do you realize the importance of your words and how they ripple throughout the entire fabric of the universe? Have you any realization of the impact your thoughts, both positive and negative, have on yourself and others? Thoughts and words fueled by your emotions are the stuff that manifestation is all about. Today we will focus on the gift that Tone 10 has to offer, that of manifestation. With the increased energies of this day, you will have before you a palette to choose from.

What is it you desire? What forgotten dreams lie within you? Have you a problem that needs resolved? Is there a fear you wish to overcome? Have you an addiction to a food or substance that you would like to regain control over? Is there a relationship you would like to establish or reconnect?

Choose one to focus on today. Take a few moments now to center yourself and release the worries of the day. Clear your mind of the clutter that distracts you. Focus on your breathing, letting your breath flow in and out at a normal rate. Relax your muscles and let your mind wander to an issue you would like to work on today.

Allow yourself to dream big. Do not allow your mind to talk yourself out of anything, ever. There is nothing that you cannot accomplish. There is no-thing that you cannot move closer to. Many times what you desire is an attitude away. Once you break through barriers of protection you have created, you will be amazed at what you can experience and accomplish!

Now, lock onto one thing you would like to manifest in your life. See it clearly in your mind. Use all five senses to make the visualization as real as you can. In your mind’s eye, look at what is happening around you. If there is some part that you don’t like, change it until the dream feels comfortable and gives you joy.

What sounds do you hear? Focus here for a moment. Smell the surroundings, making it as real as possible. Feel the sensations surrounding you, perhaps it is the touch of a loved one or the fabric of the interior of your dream car. What words are being spoken by you or others in the visualization?

When any fears or doubts come in, let them flow by. You do not need to rationalize what can or cannot be done, for this left-brained activity is what has kept you from attaining your dreams. Pay attention to what emotions are present. If there is anxiety, sadness or anything that feels uncomfortable, push them aside. Remember this part of the journey is just a dream; it is like trying on new clothes and looking to see how you like them in the mirror.

If concerns over money arise, set them aside and know that you will be shown ways to purchase or obtain this item. If your desire is a mate, let go of a specific person and allow the right and perfect person for you to manifest. Perhaps it is a new job or relocation that is the object of your desire. Visualize your day-to-day activities at this new place. Check your attitude and how you present yourself to your new co-workers and neighbors. Perhaps you wish to be called by a different name. Introduce yourself to others using that name and notice how it feels to you.

Use this process for whatever you wish to manifest in your life. The main obstacle to obtaining the life of your dreams is the wall of protection you have built. You can begin dismantling the wall in this instant by releasing the fears you have of being hurt or unworthy. Work past your issues of trust that stem from lies and hurts from the past.

Have the courage to move forward and take the steps necessary to create what you wish to experience. Let go of the need to impress others and your concerns about what others may think of you. This is your life; choose what you want. Allow others to choose their own path of experiences. Learn to support each other no matter how crazy one’s dreams may appear to be.

Which is better, to have lived life to its fullest or to have simply lived? Which do you prefer, a humdrum life or a life brimming with happiness and joy? Regain your sense of adventure and wonder that you had as an inquisitive child. Find joy in everything you do. Remember yesterday’s example regarding washing dishes? There is joy to be found in even the most menial tasks.

In the next few days, take time to return and visualize your dream into existence. Find ways to clarify your dream. Perhaps you will write affirmations on paper and put them in prominent places where you will see them. Some people enjoy making visualization boards by pasting the objects of their desire on a wall and spending time dreaming the dream, using their emotions to generate the courage needed to take action. Others simply write down their wish list in order to clarify what they desire.

Once your intentions are clear and stated orally, mentally or in print, your Angels and Guides will start working to assist you in manifesting your dream. Know that the intention must be clear. Let go of expectations of the exact circumstances that will lead to your desired result. Keep working daily on releasing any blocks and fears that pop up along the way.

Watch for synchronicities that are like signposts along the trail that help you stay on your Path. Know that at any time you can choose a different path or change the goal. You will find that once you release a specific fear, another door will open and allow you to move closer to what you wish to experience.

Let us say that you want to purchase a car. Your initial dream was a used car in decent condition because you still had the block that you can’t afford a new car. Once you release the blocks associated with not enough money, you allow yourself to dream bigger and go for a new car. As you get more excited and the reality of a new car becomes more attainable, you start looking at new cars on the road and visiting several car dealerships. Then while test-driving a new Prius, something clicks and you can see and feel yourself driving a car like this.

Now that you have taken steps to manifest a new car, your visualization sessions will be more pronounced. You can remember the smell of the new Prius, you have chosen the colors you want for the interior and exterior. You see yourself driving to work and home. You hear the sound of the engine and feel the wind as you drive with the window down.

Next step is how to finance this vehicle. It is not uncommon for people to receive an unexpected inheritance or to be the recipient of a gift from another. Perhaps at the dealership they are able to give you an offer you can afford, even if you have a history of bad credit. Dream the dream, make it as real as possible. Look for ways to make it happen. Let go of thoughts of lack and unworthiness. Break through old fears by pressing forward. Fill your heart with joy and gratitude for the blessings you already have. Experience the dream as though it is already happening, for it is.

There are many movies and books available that offer suggestions on how to create your reality. They are all valid, although they have different approaches. Know the uni-verse is just that, one voice, and it is here to support you in any activity or event you want to experience.

We do wish to give a word of caution at this time. Although this process can give you more wealth and abundance than you can imagine at this moment, know that material objects are not a source of joy and that with them comes responsibility. We do suggest a life of simplicity, not one in which you become bogged down with toys that need a lot of maintenance.

The other main ingredient to living a life of joy, is gratitude. Be thankful in each and every moment for the wisdom you have and the knowledge you are gaining. In this moment in history, humans are waking up and living consciously very rapidly. Seek to find ways to simplify your life and create joy in yourself and those around you, for this is where you will find satisfaction in all you do. Simply adding material objects to your wish list will not create satisfaction. However, enjoying the fruits of your labor as well as the path you took to obtain them will ensure a life filled with joy and satisfaction.

Know that all things are possible, yet each comes with a price. There is much unrest in your world and obstacles to overcome. Have the courage to move forward and change the laws that no longer serve you and your society. Change the way your children are educated. Force politicians and business leaders to spend your money more wisely.

Pay attention to your ecology and your economy. Most societies have handed over complete power and control to leaders entrusted to represent the people. However, you have found that this type of government has failed you miserably. Instead of complaining, gather together, rise up and demand that changes be made that ensure a future for your children. Pay attention to changes you can make in your life that will make the world a better place.

Know that your thoughts carry much weight and can be more harmful than throwing plastic bags in the sea. On other days, we have talked more fully on the impact thoughtforms have on your world, so we will not further deliberate on them today. We wish to simply remind you to watch your thoughts, words and actions and to maintain control of your emotions each moment.

This can sound like a huge responsibility and it is. However, with practice and mindful living, you will find it easier to be centered and in joy each moment, no matter what is happening around you. We take leave of you now and wish you the best in creating your reality. Know that you can call on us anytime for support and assistance and for those of you who are here to learn patience, remember to take one step at a time! Do not give up hope that all is possible!

Selamet!  Ik 10


MAYAN  MESSAGE          DAY  63

Akbal  11    Forgive the Past

I am Akbal with the Tone of 11. Welcome to this grand and glorious day of new beginnings filled with the anticipation of future dreams. What do you wish to create? Your future begins now, in this moment. No matter what you have chosen in your past, the Path you walk today will create your future.

Take time to quiet your mind and relax your body. Take a few moments to breathe in and out, releasing the thoughts and cares of the day. Feel your muscles relax while focusing on your breathing. Take a moment to reflect on the circumstances of your life. Feel gratitude for each of the blessings that comes to your mind. Are there any areas of dis-ease or unrest you would like to change? Choose one, it matters not which one for you can return at any time and work on other issues.

Look closely at the problem you wish to focus on today. When did it first appear in your life? What were the circumstances surrounding the event? How did you react at that time? How did any others involved react at that time? Was there something that could have been said or done to resolve the issue when it first arose? If so, take note of this and let it be a reminder to you to have the courage to say what needs to be spoken when future issues arise, so they will not fester and become problematic.

No one has control over what another person feels, thinks, believes or how he behaves. You have control only of yourself and for many this control is rarely contained. Thus, the place to focus on your dis-ease is within yourself. What has caused this unrest in yourself? In what ways did you contribute to the problem?

If it is a physical malady you want to release, know that in most cases, disease is caused by stinking thinking. Thoughtforms that are negative glop onto each other, many times within the person’s auric field. When these collective thoughtforms become denser, they manifest as a malady in the body.

We know this is not true for all things, because many of your current diseases are caused by toxic foods, beauty products and environmental pollution, all created by yourselves. We suggest you take a closer look at the foods you ingest and the lotions you place on your body. Take an active role in cleaning up your environment. Plant a garden and learn to grow your food without pesticides and herbicides. What better ways can you spend your time than enjoying the world around you and learning to take better care of the Earth?

We return to the issue you are focusing on today. Be as objective as possible and honestly review your role in the situation that caused the problem to continue. Is there something you can do to resolve the issue? If you are unable or unwilling to resolve issues with other people, you can still forgive them for their part in the transgression. Simply understand that they made the best choice they could in the circumstance. No matter how you feel they should have reacted, they (and you) were both making choices based on your belief codes. It is only natural that each of you speaks and reacts within your comfort zone. This is why it is so important to be consciously aware of the belief codes that are driving your life.

Many therapists suggest that people write letters to those with whom they are trying to resolve issues. This has advantages, whether you mail the letter or not, for it helps to give the problem clarity. We suggest you write this letter in a way that you accept full responsibility for whatever transpired. This does not mean that you were fully to blame, however it is one method of pulling the reality of your involvement into the open.

It is easy for people to justify everything they say and do by blaming others for all that has transpired. By writing down ways you were responsible for the event, it opens the possibility for you to recognize your role in the upset. Find good friends you can entrust your story with. If your friends are objective and can speak openly and honestly with you, it may be good to relate the event to them and ask their input on how you could have handled the situation better. This entails that both of you have reached a level of maturity in which you can objectively look at both sides of the story. It is also imperative that you are able to receive another’s advice gracefully.

Generally, unresolved issues are relived by repeating your stories over and over to others. The reason is not to resolve the problem, but to gain support that will enable you to be the righteous one or the victim. We do not condone such behavior; it is very detrimental to all involved. As you mature and learn to speak your truth, with integrity, your relationships will blossom and the fighting that is rampant on Earth will significantly lessen. You each have within you the power to be peacemakers. However, your fears and the need to control others or force your beliefs onto others causes you much static.

Once again, we return to the issue that you are focusing on today. Are you able to accept your role in the event? What could you have done better in the situation? Muse on this for a while and in your mind role-play how you can act differently when the same or similar situation arises in the future. Many times, you cannot undo an event, but you can learn from it and make better choices the next time. That is what ascension is all about, learning to master and control your Self.

Can you think of ways to rectify the situation? What will it take? Do you have the courage to take the necessary steps to right the wrong? Perhaps it is time to let go of a belief code that no longer works for you. Have courage to move forward in all you do. A life of wonder and bliss awaits all who have the courage to move past fears and focus on love and gratitude. Focusing on negative thoughts will keep you entrapped in a world of pain and suffering. This is the hell that many of you fear. It is a creation of your own mind. This need not be so. Many of you are so deeply entrenched in your negative outlook on life that you have drowned your sorrows in alcohol or try to reach moments of bliss by ingesting pills.

There is a better way, but you must first gain control of your thoughts. Stop blaming others for anything. Stop viewing yourself as a victim, no matter what the circumstances. If it happened in the past, it is over. Stop worrying about the future, because it isn’t here. Gain control of your life by living in the moment. Look around and find the blessings in your life and give thanks. A grateful heart will open the door to more blessings. When you are locked in despair and victimhood, it is impossible to see the blessings that lie beyond you. Like a horse with blinders, you keep yourself locked in a cycle of despair, not allowing hope to come into your awareness.

Most have to hit bottom before they will even look up or reach out their hand for help. At any moment, any one of you has the ability to have an “Aha!” moment and to choose a completely different path. However, you will never reach this point until you stop your runaway train of negative thinking. How can you do this? It is simple, when you are having negative thoughts, think again. Force yourself to think of something else. This may be difficult in the beginning, for like all habits, it takes practice to undo. However, it is possible, and with practice, it will become easier to let go of old thought patterns and enjoy new, more loving and positive thoughts.

Today we suggest you look deeply at the issue you wish to resolve. Accept the parts that you were responsible for. Forgive others for the role they played that was in disagreement with you. Forgive yourself for your part. Find ways to rectify the situation. Practice ways to react differently in future scenarios. Take any actions necessary to clear the negative energy, whether it is in the form of an apology, a conversation or simply the release of negative energies through the power of forgiveness.

Do not consider yourself a victim. At best, consider the event a valuable learning experience. Many times, the most painful situations you heal in yourself allows you to help another who is going through the same situation. This is the beauty of experience; being able to share and support your fellow man. It is our hope that your heart is open to see the beauty within yourself and all others around you. We invite you to call on us for support and encouragement. You have within you the power to resolve any issue that confronts you. Simply have courage to face these issues and infuse them with love so a clear resolution for what is in your highest good and the good of all can shine forth!

Selamet!  Akbal 11


MAYAN  MESSAGE          DAY  64

Kan  12    The Path to Mastery

I am Kan. Greetings on this magnificent day in which you are given the blessings of fairness and equality! You are blessed with the gift of free will, which allows you to choose whatever path you wish to walk. Will you make choices based on fear or choices made from love of self, others and planet Earth? The choice is yours.

This day of Kan 12 supports your goal to integrate all that you have experienced. Reflect on the knowledge you have gained from your relationships with people, places and events. You have a unique set of circumstances that has given you much to reflect on. The question is how to integrate this knowledge so it becomes a part of you? How will you use these pieces of the puzzle to create your own set of rules and sense of identity? Once integrated, they become who you are and the source from where you pull your strength and courage. It is your wisdom and yours alone.

To be able to share your wisdom with others in a way that does not interrupt their walk of life is an art form. There is a fine line between sharing and expecting others to follow your advice. Whenever you give advice or suggestions to others, pay attention to the purpose behind your action. If on any level you have the expectation that they should follow your advice, your ego is in the way. If you feel any resentment or frustration when others do not do as you suggest, look within yourself to find why you have this pressing need to help or fix others.

Can you not see that when you push your ideas onto others, that you are disempowering them? Your actions tell others they are inferior and incapable of making good choices for themselves. This creates separation and is the basis for all unrest and wars among you.

Observe Nature. Have you ever witnessed a flower scolding another for not protecting themselves better from the wind? How do animal mothers teach their young? By example. When they are very young, the mother will keep them close to home until the time arises when the young need to learn to hunt and fend for themselves.

Mother animals are well aware of the dangers that lurk in their surroundings. Yet they do not coddle their young and try to keep them from experiencing life. Your society for generations has been filled with over-protective mothers trying to protect their young from experiencing the hurts they have gone through. Although there is nothing wrong with this behavior, it tends to create neurotic and fearful children who grow into adults who are always on the lookout for possible blows from others. Many of you are so distrustful of your fellow man that you do all in your power to stay safe within your little bubble of protection. Where is the joy in such a life?

As a result, there are generations of fearful people pressing their belief codes onto others. When one doesn’t follow the prescribed path called “normal,” he finds himself ostracized by his peers and ridiculed for being a free thinker. This behavior has gone on long enough. It is time for each of you to take responsibility for yourself. Allow others to follow their path and discover what lies ahead without fear. Coddling or enabling others only stunts their growth and gives you an imbalanced sense of superiority.

Many of you will argue that you only have the best interest of others in mind. In some cases, this may be so. The true test comes in how you feel or react when others have no interest in what you are sharing with them. If on any level, you feel discontent when your advice is not heeded, then you can be assured that you are being overly concerned and righteous.

Perhaps others make choices you are certain will endanger their lives. It is important to share your knowledge with a child who has never experienced specific events in order for them to become aware of the danger. However, there comes a time when the child grows up, fully knowing the dangers that lurk ahead. She may decide to move forward in the experience anyway. This is her desire, the path she has chosen. Allow her to do so. Rather than forcing your opinions on others, allow them to have their own experiences.

Thoughtforms attach themselves to similar thoughtforms. When you seed your fears into another person’s consciousness, there comes a time when that person may adopt your belief codes. Sad indeed would the world be if all the river runners, mountain climbers and joy seekers had followed the advice of their parents and peers who injected their fears into these adventuresome ones. Without the adventurers, you would all still be living in the cradle of society with much of the land mass and oceans withholding their beauty from you. How much of this blessed Earth would still be untouched by human hands and hidden from your view?

Each of you is unique. We ask that you look at each other with a fresh set of eyes. Know that you all come from the same Source and that one day you will return to that Source. Instead of focusing on your differences, start to bridge the gaps of separation by recognizing your sameness. There is not one among you that is better than another. There is not one among you that is not capable of being a fully realized Spiritual being. Each of you has the capacity to live a full life. Support each other no matter how strange or frightening their choices may be to you. Know that each person is responsible for the choices they make. Allow yourself to be all that you can be. Work through the fears and frustrations you encounter every day. Dream big, for all is attainable.

When you see another that you judge as helpless or ignorant, do not be fooled. These people are just as capable as you and many times have demonstrated more intelligence in their way of life. Many that are homeless are there because they do not want to live in society’s shadow. Many imbeciles are full of love in their heart and can be your greatest teachers. Do not feel sorry for those with congenital diseases. Instead of averting your eyes when you pass them, look them in the eye and smile. Push through uncomfortable situations and get to know your fellow man deeper.

When you look at others with pity, you are judging them as victims. When you ignore those who have less, you are judging them as inferior. When you are cold to others, you are telling them they are not worthy of your attention. Who is to blame for all the unrest in the world? Each and every one of you. In order to have a world full of peace, love and joy, each of you must find it within yourself first.

Sharing your experiences and wisdom with others is crucial. However, we see that much of what you have to offer others is done in a condescending manner. Albeit many of you think you are doing others a favor by giving advice, yet your approach turns them off and closes the door. Do not play god and assume that you know what is best for the other. This only creates more distance between you.

When you can share with others your experiences and truly not be concerned how they are received by others, then you are on the path to freedom. Whenever you share with others and have the fear or mistaken notion that your information is what they need, you set yourself up for failure. To be successful in all your endeavors, be satisfied in your heart that you planted a seed coming from your sense of truth and integrity.

Know that all seeds fall on different soil. Some of your seeds will fall on rock and wither in the sun. Others will fall on poor soil and the plant will struggle all its life. Some seeds will drown in the rain or be washed out to sea. Many seeds will be covered with soil and remain dormant for years. Other seeds will fall on enriched soil and sprout into magnificent plants.

See your advice the same way. Some will be heeded and some will not. If you are honest with yourself, on reflection you can look back and find numerous examples of good advice that you took which led you to discontentment. It may have been advice from the heart and shared with love. It may have been advice that was beneficial to others, but it just didn’t suit you, and now you live your life as a result of it.

How many times did you receive “bad” advice that you didn’t take, only to find out that it would have made your life much more enriching? We say there is no good or bad advice, they are simply choices that are presented to you. It is up to you to choose those that feel appropriate.

How do you feel when someone insists you follow their advice? Have you ever felt inferior, stupid, mistrusted your intuition or told you are stubborn when you chose not to follow their advice? Does this bring you closer or separate you from this person? How do you feel when others share their experiences with you then tell you they support you in whatever choice you decide to make? Can you feel the difference? When you give advice, yet remain supportive, you will draw others closer to you.

If you receive advice from others and make your decision based on what feels right for you, then you will enrich your life. It is also important that the one receiving the advice not judge the one giving the advice. It is a mark of maturity leading to mastery of Self when you allow others to choose their path, no matter how different it is from your own. We invite you now to quiet your mind and to take several moments to reflect on ways you may be forcing your beliefs on others. Also, take time to reflect on ways you may be condemning those you feel are imposing their beliefs on you. It is a two-way door that most of you are involved in.

Pay attention to your interactions with others and be on the lookout for times when you are involved in either side of this issue. How can you best share your experiences without attachment to the results? Pay closer attention to the reasons why you feel it is important to give advice. Many times people are simply venting; they are not looking for outside solutions. It is wise to ask others if they are just venting or if they sincerely want your input. Honor their answer.

You all have different ways of resolving problems. You all are on a different path, with a unique set of circumstances. Learn from your differences. Share your joys and sorrows. Do not look at yourself or others as victims; this is a tough belief code to extract. Find ways to support and encourage each other. You will find others flock to you for support when they know your heart is compassionate and your words are kind. Those who play the role of victim will be attracted to those who impose their ideas onto others. These people need a savior because they have yet to learn that all they need is already inside them. The saviors are the ones who feel they have the right answers for others. This false sense of superiority will eventually lead to their downfall.

Without saviors, there is no need for victims. When each of you learns to support each other from a sense of balance and equality, the true essence of brotherhood will shine. It is in this environment that you will nurture a society of adventurous, free-thinking, healthy individuals. Until then, you will continue coddling others and creating victims and helpless individuals who need others to tell them what to do. Which do you choose?

If you choose a society of healthy individuals, what steps do you need to take to create this? Learn the fine line between supporting and enabling others. It is not always easy to see the difference. However, you will know what you are sowing by what is reaped. When a person returns to thank you for assistance you gave them and they are moving forward towards a more satisfying life, know that you were helpful to that individual. Do not expect this to happen, but rejoice when it does.

Know that others may resist your teachings in the beginning, but a seed was planted that may later be sprouted by another. Acknowledge your part and be appreciative that you have helped another along their Path. Do not expect this to happen, but rejoice when it does.

Find ways to assist without expectations. True Masters assist those who come to them; they do not seek the audience of others. They listen intently and offer advice only when asked. Many times the Master does not offer anything more than a question such as, “What do you think is best?” This allows the seeker the opportunity to use his capabilities to resolve his own problems. Thus a new Master is born, one who has the ability to take control of his own life, regardless of what others think.

We suggest you master yourself fully before attempting to create Masters out of others. Like attracts like. When you have mastered your own life, others who are ready to do the same will seek you out for advice and support. Until then, you are simply throwing your pearls before swine and your words will fall on deaf ears. When it matters not to you if others follow your advice, then know you are on your way to mastery, for no one else will be able to influence who you are. You will have become your own Master!

Selamet!  Kan 12


MAYAN  MESSAGE          DAY  65   

Chicchan  13      Transforming Belief Codes

I am Chicchan with the Tone of 13. Today we would like to approach the topic of transformation. Within each of you lies the power to change anything in your life that is out of balance. All this takes is courage and the conscious awareness that there is something out of balance that you can change.

What areas in your life are not suited to your liking? Does your work bring you joy? Are your relationships mature and satisfying? Do you spend recreational time in activities that are fun? Are you following pursuits that bring you happiness? Do you like your living situation? Are you physically fit? Does your income match the goals you wish to attain in this life? Do the goals you wish to attain bring you a sense of excitement? Are you working toward these things or are you feeling stagnated? There may be several areas in your life you would like to change. Today, pick one and let us find ways to create the life of your dreams.

First, take a few moments to quiet your inner mind and outer world. Let go of the thoughts of the day. As you breathe in and out, relax your muscles from your toes to your nose. This allows your left and right brain synapses to flow freely from one side to the other. Fill your heart with gratitude while focusing on the many blessings that are in your life. Being in a state of gratitude will increase the frequency of love within your body, allowing you clearer access to your subconscious mind.

When you are uptight, stressed out, depressed or angry, your body vibrates at a lower frequency. When this happens, it is harder for you to think clearly. You may go into a downward spiral as you focus your thoughts on negative issues. Once this spiral gets out of hand, it is easy to slip into victim mentality, making it harder to think clearly.

This may happen quite often throughout the day if you are not watchful. Those who consciously work on maintaining balance through meditation and mindful living are more easily capable of snapping out of these moods and situations. However, those who are living unconsciously may take years or lifetimes to pull out of the spiral of negativity. We are here today to assist you in living more consciously, so you can pull yourself from the mire and be able to recognize the spiral of negativity in its beginning stages.

Today, choose one area of your life you would like to change, it matters not which one you choose for you can return at any time and choose another area of concern. Notice where you are today with this situation. What areas are not working for you? You may wish to write down anything pertaining to this matter that is causing you unrest. Include things beyond your control such as what other people are saying or doing in relation to the matter.

Now, take as much time as you need to visualize how your life would be different if this situation were not present in your life. Write these things down; be creative and think big. Erase any doubts that come into your mind or any concerns regarding how impossible it would be to attain this vision.

Keep in mind this is only an exercise, you can change anything you wish along the way. You may choose to come back to this list at various times and add more to the vision. It is not uncommon for people to dream bigger as they work through their fears and beliefs. Also, it is quite common that as you release negative thinking and replace it with courage and a positive outlook, your dreams and desires will also change.

After you have your initial lists written down, begin with the list of things that are dissatisfying in regards to the issue you have chosen for today. Look them over carefully, one at a time and notice how you feel. If you have a sense of joy or euphoria, this segment is probably not an issue for you. Pay close attention to those items you have listed that cause you to feel anxious, upset, angry, frustrated or any other low frequency emotion.

Next to each one of these items, write the feelings that have arisen. What you will do each time you return to resolve this matter, is to go into each of these emotions and find out the cause of them. As you practice this technique and allow yourself to feel these emotions, many times, you will find that the initial cause of your discomfort has nothing to do with the present situation, it has simply triggered something from a past event.

For example, you have listed how it annoys you when your spouse chews with his mouth open. On the paper next to this item, you wrote: crude, disgusting, embarrassing when others see it, angry, etc. Now, as you go further into each emotion and look at why this behavior triggers you, perhaps you will remember that when you were young, you were spanked when you chewed with your mouth open and were told that you were being crude. Now your belief code is that people who chew with their mouths open are crude. Furthermore, you were told, “Stop that! You are embarrassing me and making me look like a bad parent!” Now the belief code that what you do is a reflection on others has been created.

You may further realize that you get angry when others chew with their mouth open because you have a subconscious belief code running that it is not fair that others are not being punished for chewing with their mouths open and you were. Now that you are consciously aware of why the chewing makes you angry, you can look at the issue with new eyes.

Remove any judgments you have made about the other person’s behavior. This is done through a sense of allowing, which means that others have a right to choose what they wish to do. Recognize that the embarrassment that you feel is your belief that your spouse’s behavior is a reflection on you. You may also have a sense of superiority that you have better manners or know what is best for the other person.

No matter what reasoning you use or what emotions you are feeling, you would be wise to let go and allow the other person the freedom to choose how to live his own life. Now that you know the reasons why this issue is bothersome, you have the chance to go back and heal the original situation.

Perhaps you still harbor anger at your parent for spanking and scolding you when you chewed with your mouth open. This is a good time to work on forgiveness towards your parent. Also, you may choose to look deeper at the belief codes that were instilled in you at that time.

Now you have the option to retain these belief codes, to discard them or to modify them. You may still think it is crude and disgusting for people to chew with their mouth open. However, you are desirous of letting go of the belief that your spouse’s behaviors are a reflection on you.

More than likely you will have an “Aha!” moment and realize that you have this same feeling in other situations, such as certain clothing your spouse wears. When you release the pattern of being overly concerned about how others think about you when they observe your partner chewing with his mouth open, all of the other related patterns, such as his choice of clothing, may dissolve at the same time. Like dominoes, when one aspect of a belief code falls, all others related to it may fall, as well. You may also discover that you were embarrassed by specific behaviors of your parents, your siblings or your friends. Once you break the pattern with one person, it is easier to release the same pattern with others.

If you have children, this could be a great freedom, for many parents feel their children’s behaviors are a direct reflection on themselves. To a certain extent, this is true, but as the child matures, if given the freedom to make choices, those choices are a reflection on the child only. Can you see the point we are trying to make?

No matter what belief code you are operating under, it can be changed. However, most of you are running on automatic pilot and are not even aware of the reason why various things bother you.

You may come to the understanding that things other people say or do that upsets you are triggering something inside yourself that needs attention. You can use this process to discover any belief codes you have running. When you are consciously aware of the belief codes that are triggering your emotions, you are then able to choose those you wish to modify or discard. This is what it means to be a conscious person.

No longer are you simply reacting to circumstances around you. No longer are you swaying like the flame of a candle in the wind. As you master your emotions and the belief codes that trigger them, you will become more proficient at making choices for your highest good. You will learn to dream bigger as you release the fears and judgments that have kept you imprisoned. As you discard concerns about how you feel others think you should speak, dress or behave, you will blossom into the beautiful, unique flower that you are. These changes take time, energy and courage.

You have taken years to create the belief codes that currently rule your life. You have fallen into patterns of spiraling negative thinking. Your attainment of freedom is directly proportional to your desire to free yourself from these patterns. Limiting thoughts can be untangled, layer by layer, as you modify the belief codes that no longer serve you.

Do not expect to attain enlightenment in one day. Many are overly concerned about getting past their negative stuff so they can ascend and leave this world. If you are in this mindset, you may be forgetting that the reason you came to this planet was to experience the beauty of its physical nature. There is no need to focus on leaving the planet. Perhaps you would consider the beauty of living on this planet as a compassionate, loving human be-ing. We use be-ing this way to point out that most of you are so focused on do-ing that you forget the beautiful essence of simply be-ing.

There is no need to save others or the world. Imagine how you would like the world to be, then mold your belief codes and practice changing your thoughts, behaviors and emotions to fit into that life pattern. As you change yourself, others will have the courage to change themselves. When just one of you raises your vibration to a higher level, it ripples throughout the fabric of the entire universe.

What one does affects all; that is why it is important to be cognizant of what you think, say and do. Your emotions carry throughout the universe. Negative emotions glop with other negative emotions, which creates dense matter that can create havoc in your world. Positive emotions flow freely, blessing all that comes along its path.

Which do you choose, a life of bliss or one of despair? Either is in your grasp. This universe was set up to allow those entering into physicality to have the free will to experience anything they choose. There are many complexities within these choices. We will speak of these on various days throughout the year.

However, for today, the assignment is to choose which belief codes you wish to live by. We encourage you to release your fears and judgments and to dream big. Allow yourself the freedom to choose what makes you soar. It may be difficult to let yourself loose at first. Look around at free spirits who are living out of the box. It might do you good to befriend some of them and to discover the ways they were able to muster the courage to live a life of freedom.

Have courage and know that we are always here to support you. Know that within yourself lies all you need to break the bonds. After all, it was you who created the bonds in the first place. Take responsibility for your actions and have the courage to move beyond limiting beliefs and to explore all that Nature has to offer you.

Have fun! Celebrate! Peace and joy to you!  Chicchan 13


I hope you found these Messages inspirational and of value.
Thank you for stopping by.
Many blessings!          Theresa Crabtree

12 responses to this post.

  1. Thank you Theresa, Everyday I Love the Mayan Messages. Thank you sooooo much!!!!
    I feel so blessed to read these each day. I like the energy raised by even Thinking about doing the exercises!!


  2. Hello, I am flying high, so to speak; all the articles are filled with wisdom and love. I am in awe and will bath in this wonderful energy for a while. Thank you from my heart.


  3. […] Laughter IS the Best Medicine “Take time now to laugh. Deep, hearty belly laughs. Get your energy flowing. Feel the joy awaken as laugh with uncontrollable mirth. Laughter is wonderful exercise for your internal organs. Laughter IS the best medicine and it’s free! When you feel sad; laugh. When you feel tired; laugh. It enhances  awareness as you inhale more oxygen, bringing more creativity into your life.” To read more about the benefits of laughter and Laughter Clubs, scroll to DAY 51 at: […]


  4. […] Reverend Theresa Crabtree | Mayan Messages […]


  5. Posted by Florence on May 21, 2011 at 5:22 am

    Thanks for the posting! Talk about syncronicity in life, your post cleared up some confusion which has been clouding my life lately. Again thank you.


  6. Joy is the unmistakable presence of the Great Spirit. Lak’ech K’in. Sunarrow.


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