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Theresa Crabtree

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Lisez le Message Maya en français!

Merci beaucoup à Roger Cote pour la traduction des messages maya en français!
Lisez-les à:


Many thanks to Roger Cote for translating the Mayan Messages in french!
Read them at:


Day 27: Releasement Meditation

Going with the flow is all-important. Watch your words, monitor your thoughts and intentionally choose your actions. Be creative. See your life as an empty canvas with the ability to choose your subject, colors and mediums. Think out of the box. Each fear or belief code you release allows more flow into your life. Seek ways to remove layers of fear and negativity. Simply set them out to sea.

In your inner mind, visualize yourself at the seashore. You are comfy, the sun is warm and the light salty breeze is balmy. Listen as the waves gently lap on the shore. You can hear the gulls in the distance. What issues are weighing on your mind today? Bring them up, one by one and lay them onto the barge, docked at the water’s edge. Watch as the barge leaves the dock and slowly heads out to sea. As it floats away, watch it slowly dissipate, atom by atom, until nothing remains. Know that these thoughtforms have now transmuted into pure light, returning once again to the sea of possibilities.

Now enter the water and bathe your skin and hair, a baptism of sorts, as you soak in the healing essence of the water and rinse away any residue of unhealthy negative thoughtforms. You are now whole again, ready to fill the void with new and wondrous beliefs! Take a few moments to lie on the beach, soaking up the sun’s rays as your body is warmed and rejuvenated. When you are ready, return to the present moment and begin your day anew.  Selamet!  Manik 1

To read today’s Message, “Heavenly Theatre,” scroll to Day 27 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Day 26: Last Day on Earth

What if you knew that today was your last day on earth? What would you do differently? What are the last remaining things you would do? How will you treat others? What phone calls will you make? What emotions are you feeling? Are there unfinished projects that you will attend to or will they lose their importance

If you would truly begin each morning with a short reflection on these things, your days would have much more impact. It wouldn’t be long before you would start cleaning up your environment, simplifying your life, clearing any clutter that others would have to sort through after you were gone and preparing your estate for those who would have to clean up after you.

You would likely stop putting off gatherings and phone calls with family members and loved ones. Many things that consume your time and energy would simply fall away as you lost interest. Your passion and zeal for life would increase dramatically as your time, energy and abundance in all areas would escalate.

This is the energy that Cimi offers you: surrender, transmutation, release and death to what no longer serves you. We encourage you every day to take this short journey into facing your death until you have released all fears of death and seen the importance of living your passion.  Selamet!  Cimi 13

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 26 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Day 25: Changing Habits

In order to manifest anything, the basic order is the same for all scenarios. Clear your mind, speak you intention and then visualize the outcome. See yourself in the final outcome of the situation. As much as possible, feel those emotions; use your senses to see, touch, smell, taste and hear yourself in the situation.

By stating, visualizing and practicing what you want, you quickly break the habit by simply doing or being what it is you want to create. However, by stating the intention and visualizing yourself in the process of breaking the habit, you will find yourself in repeated patterns or situations that give you the choice to practice the behavior you wish to change. In most of these cases, the habit is never broken.

Ponder on this until you see the full implications. Practice it in any situation where you are able to shed old patterns and transform yourself into the beautiful being that you already are.  Selamet!  Chicchan 12

There is much more to this important Message. Read it in its entirety by scrolling to Day 25 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Day 24: Garden of Possibilities

Today we will embark on a journey inward, to the place where ideas and dreams are seeded. These are created first by the mind and then with conscious intention. For anything to become a reality in your personal life, you must first know it as a possibility. Then among the myriad of possibilities, you may choose those you would like to incorporate into your life.

We will use the analogy of a garden. In order to create a garden, you must first have a basic idea of what a garden is. Gardens are of human creation; nature does not plant gardens, as such, unless you choose to look at the entire surface of the earth as one garden.

Now, you have seen gardens and decided you would like to create one in your space. What do you want to put into your garden: fruits, veggies, herbs, flowers? How will you decide what to put in your garden: see what others are growing, deciding what foods you like to eat, browsing seed catalogs?

After you have chosen what you would like to grow, it is time to choose the seeds you will plant. You will also need to know what steps are needed to allow the seeds to grow and mature. These include issues such as soil temperature, irrigation needs, sunlight and fertilizer.

Creating anything in your life follows the same pattern. It is up to you to choose which seed and the amount of nurturance or attention you will give that seed. The fulfillment of your goals and dreams are in your hands. There are many spirit beings on the other side waiting to help you with these desires but you must first choose what you desire, then ask for assistance.  Selamet!  Kan 11

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 24 at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.


Day 23: Going Within Process

Take time to notice belief codes or old structures that no longer serve you. This sometimes takes courage to do. Look into the dark spaces, the “abysses” in your inner sanctum.

Many times you are confronted with words from others or assumptions created in your own mind that leads to making specific life choices. Rather than being swayed by others’ opinions, remain steadfast in your preferences. This is how belief codes are built.

Quiet your inner and outer world. Take a look at any aspect of your life: your spiritual and religious beliefs, why you bake only in a specific pan, items in your house that you never use, your choice of friends, how you relate to family members, etc. Choose one and look at it deeply. Feel the emotions that arise. If they are pleasant, feel gratitude for them. If they cause uneasiness or any “negative” feelings, look deeper.

Why do you follow a specific church doctrine? Why do you believe what you believe? Why do you have household items you never use? Why do you hang out with that person whom you feel uncomfortable with? Why do you allow a family member to treat you disrespectfully?

Go deep into yourself and objectively discover and change belief codes that no longer serve you. Choose one now. Breathe deeply and ask for guidance. Look at the parts that don’t fit, that hold you back and that cause fear and anxiety. If it helps you to move forward, consider what would be the worst that would happen if you changed that particular belief code. Then by whatever means works for you: listing, praying, setting an intention, etc., note the steps that lead you into a release of that paradigm and take the first step towards your new intention.

Belief codes change from time to time as you develop understanding in various realms of your life. It is wise to always be open to others’ insights and to take time to reflect on new information that comes your way.

It is your responsibility to stay positive and focused. It is your responsibility to take the necessary steps to create the desired outcome. Many times what we want doesn’t appear in the manner we anticipate. It is your responsibility to pay attention to the “coincidences” and “synchronicities” that present themselves to you.  Go forth and make this a powerful day of manifestation!  Selamet!  Akbal 10

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 23 at:   Please include this web address when posting or sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Day 22: Pros and Cons

Some view polarity as dark vs. light, one being higher, better or positive, yet both are equal in importance. Both the “shadow” and the “light” have a purpose; it is only the human perspective that makes one judge them as having a different value.

Choose one project, “problem” or insight to look deeper into this day and simply ponder all sides of the issue. You may find parts that are distasteful, perhaps it is a problem you wish would go away, maybe the project is too large and feels overwhelming. Look at all aspects in such a way as to see the blessing in each. By developing this skill, you will quickly begin to see that there is value in all polarity.

Note the “pros” (positives) and “cons” (negatives) of this event, perhaps listing them on paper. For most people, the parts labeled as “positive” are easy, so we will not spend much time there. What is more challenging is to appreciate and feel gratitude for the “negative” side of events. Look at some of the items on your “cons” list. Then look at how you can approach each in such a way that they can be placed on your “pro” list.

Look closely at the “cons” to determine how many are simply excuses. Perhaps some are fear-based, in which case they could become wonderful exercises to help move you beyond fear and open horizons to new belief codes.

When you get past the “negative” issues on your “cons” list, you will find that you look forward to your tasks at hand. By finding joy in everything you do, soon you will realize that all of life including each person, place and event you experience is filled with joy, peace and happiness. This is the Path to Mastery of Self.  Go forth and prosper!  Ik 9

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 22 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.


Day 21: Infinite Abundance

Welcome to this day of new beginnings! With the Tone of 8, we would like to bring to your attention the infinite number of possibilities that are presented each moment to you. In the “ethers,” there are tiny particles of no-thing-ness that at any moment can be activated and manifested into any-thing your heart desires! Once you have a true grasp that all literally is One, then you will better understand how to use this Oneness to create heaven on earth.

It is true that at your fingertips there is forever the ability to create infinite resources. However, it is all too often that we lay gifts at your feet that you either walk past without noticing, or that you refuse to accept because you are looking for “something other” and don’t recognize the potential for what is gifted to you.

We ask that you pay closer attention to the people and events that occur in your life. Watch for coincidences and synchronicities, especially after you have made a fervent request for something to occur. Have the courage to take the steps to reach your highest goals.

Know that you may experience moments of unrest as you begin to realize that you are fully responsible for the current situations in your life.  In this new beginning, you will start with the knowledge of the full abundance available to you in all aspects of your life. Your passion will surpass anything you have thus far experienced on earth as each of you works together to support and encourage one another. What joy you will experience as you release the fears and habits that have kept you captive for so long!  Selamet!  Imix 8

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 21 at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

Day 20: The Power of Now

Make your choices in the moment. Pay attention to ways you can create joy and peace each step along the way. Know that each door that closes will open new possibilities.

Having gratitude for every person and experience you encounter will help you to grow and to have the courage to move forward with ease. Releasing fears along the way will make your goal of a fulfilled life more awesome than you can imagine.

You already have everything you need within yourself to accomplish whatever your heart desires. You need not give over your power to leaders or gurus. You simply need to have the courage and desire to move forward. The ethers around you are filled with infinite possibilities. Dream big, follow your intuition and watch the magic unfold!  Go out and make a great day for yourself!   Selamet!  Ahua 7

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 20 at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Day 19: Hurry Up by Slowing Down

There is none among you who is “lost.” All have full ability to “ascend” and to merge once again with the Source of All. Like everything else, it is a matter of “timing.” Each of you chose to leave the Source in order to experience “other things.” Some beings have incarnated on earth and other planets; others remain in the higher dimensions as helpers and holders of Light. There are myriads of “angelic” beings carrying out an untold number of “jobs.” It would boggle your mind to know of all that is happening in your universe and beyond. Every creation is experiencing their “lives” in a unique way.

One day we will be reunited as “One” and enjoy the sensation of love and Oneness in its purest form. There is no need to “hurry” to get to “get there.” Hurrying is part of the human condition. We suggest that you learn to live in the moment and make the journey memorable. Stop and smell the roses and be kind to those you encounter along the way. So many things you pray to experience become missed opportunities because you have been focused on getting from point A to point B.

Some of you may argue that there is a need to hurry because the world is falling apart, that it is on the eve of destruction. What we would say in response is that if each of you would stop in this moment and make the decision to be kind and respectful to others and to share your wealth, in an instant your world would become the utopia so many of you dream of.

And so, we conclude by saying that if you still feel the need to “hurry,” we would suggest your quickening be focused “inside” rather that upward. Take time to look at how you can be part of the soul-ution when it comes to creating heaven on earth. It is you who is responsible to reclaim your self-empowerment. Now is the time.

Take charge of your life by learning to respect your self and your neighbors. Move past the walls of fear that you have surrounded around yourself as invisible shields of protection. It is not through isolation that you will create a utopian society; it is through teamwork based on love. Be in joy and create peace within you!  Selamet!  Cauac 6

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 19 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.


In older civilizations, families were the center of the culture. The full tribe worked as one to raise and educate the young. Every person had a purpose, each sharing in the chores and gathering the food.

Elders were respected and given high reverence. Many cultures set times aside each year for the express purpose of listening to the storytellers and the Elders as they shared their life experiences with the younger generations. Rejuvenate the art of storytelling and family entertainment. Eat dinner together in peace, blessing your food and those who brought it to your table.

It is time once again to place your Elders in the position of wisdom keepers. Learn the knowledge they have to share relating to family, culture and society. Until we meet again, peace be unto you, Etznab 5

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 18 at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.
Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Day 17: Thoughtforms are Vibrations

All things on earth carry a unique energetic signature pattern or frequency. The frequencies of love and light are very high. As can be expected in your world of polarity, the opposite, the frequency of fear and darkness are very low. The earth itself resonates at a frequency that must be compatible with her inhabitants, or else life cannot be sustained.

Emotions resonate at specific frequencies, just like material objects. Your Masters know of this. Those such as Gandhi and Mother Teresa focused on peace, not on anti-war protests. They knew that by focusing on “not war,” it strengthens the frequency of war. By focusing on “peace,” the same activist is now resonating in the frequency of peace, the opposite of war. You cannot be peaceful and yelling about peace at the same time.

Negative thought forms glop together due to the law of attraction; like attracts like. Positive thoughtforms simply flow in, around and through all things. It all has to do with vibrations. Negative thoughtforms have low frequencies. They are like a thick paste. Consider the making of a papier-mâché piñata. Bits of paper are layered one by one and held together with paste. Each layer makes the piñata stronger. In the beginning, the first layer of paper was quite flimsy. However, after you have added several layers of paper and paste, it will take a bat and quite a bit of effort to break the piñata.

With practice and an open heart, there will come a time in your life in which anger no longer exists. You will have come to understand that all is well and that what others do and say have no control over you. There will come a time when you will learn how to stay centered and at peace, no matter what is happening in the world. This is the goal.

You will then be vibrating at a frequency of love that can keep pace with mother earth. At that point, you will become a role model for others. You will join the ranks of Ghandi, Mother Teresa and those who love unconditionally. As more and more of you reach higher vibrations of love, the energies in the world will tip to a more positive side. It is then that the creation of heaven on earth can be experienced once again.  Selamet!  Caban 4

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 17 at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Day 16: The Power of Now

Make your choices in the moment. Pay attention to ways you can create joy and peace each step along the way. Know that each door that closes will open new possibilities.

Having gratitude for every person and experience you encounter will help you to grow and to have the courage to move forward with ease. Releasing fears along the way will make your goal of a fulfilled life more awesome than you can imagine.

You already have everything you need within yourself to accomplish whatever your heart desires. You need not give over your power to leaders or gurus. You simply need to have the courage and desire to move forward. The ethers around you are filled with infinite possibilities. Dream big, follow your intuition and watch the magic unfold!  Go out and make a great day for yourself!   Selamet!  Ahua 7

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 20 at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Day 15: Soar Like An Eagle

Like the eaglet, you must first be fed by your mama. This is like receiving information from other sources such as books, videos and conversations with those who feed you information to help you grow.

Just as an eaglet sheds its baby feathers, so must humans shed their fears and out-dated belief codes in order to be able to fly. As negative belief codes are shed, allowing you to be in your integrity and to speak your truth, the freer you become. Like the eagle, you can soar higher and higher, playing with the thermals and keeping a sharp eye out for your next meal, simply living in the moment, flowing with life while taking care of your basic needs.

As you mature, it is time to leave the nest. For humans, this is a time for introspection, going within and learning to rely on yourself. Each of you must make this solo flight if you want to reach your highest potential. It is your choice to create the path you wish to walk, taking responsibility for each step along the way. As you get better at making choices that lead you toward your desired destiny, life gets easier and more profound. This is like the eagle that has mastered his flight patterns and is adept at catching his prey in order to sustain himself.

Then comes the day when the eagle chooses a mate. If you still tend to harbor anger and resentment towards your friends, you will surely do the same with the one you live with. For those of you who have completed your “homework” and have cleaned your nest of unnecessary habits and belief codes, you will draw unto yourself appropriate mates.

Learn from the eagle. They choose a mate for a lifetime. There are no comparisons about the feathers they wear, the sounds they make, their flying skills, etc. There is simply shared responsibility and cooperation as they raise their young. They take turns feeding and assisting their offspring in learning how to fend for themself. How much better earth would be if all humans did the same?

Look within and discover your innate beauty. Find what warms your heart and push past peer pressure and dare to stand in your truth. Develop friendships with those who allow you to be yourself. Stand in your integrity and speak your truth. Be kind to yourselves and others. Your ability to soar high above the earth and flow with the wind is unlimited. What joy will fill your hearts when you unfurl your wings and soar like the eagles!  Selamet!  Men 2

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 15 at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.


Day 12: Gifting and Receiving

Abundance comes in many forms: good health, joy, friends, loving family members, a puppy’s kiss, anything that brings joy and assists in your evolution towards light and pure love. You each have within you the power to manifest anything you want or wish to experience. All humans desire abundance on some level. This doesn’t necessarily mean material goods, for there are many who prefer a simplistic lifestyle. However, all desire an abundance of peace, the ability to choose what they wish to experience and whom they choose to be their friends.

Many of you complain to each other about your need for money, specific items, more time or energy etc. Yet, when someone offers their services to you, often it is rejected with comments such as, “Thank you, but we are doing okay. We appreciate the thought, but we know you (or someone else) need the money as much as we do.” Perhaps you accept the gift, only to pass it on to someone you think is more deserving.

We are not here to judge your choices, but we do recognize that the efforts you put forth to attain what it is you desire many times is either not accepted or passed on to someone else. This behavior is often a reflection coming from a lack of worthiness. How many of you have failed to charge a fair price for your services? How often have you worked jobs that did not bring you joy? Have you lent money knowing you would never be repaid? Where is your worth and sense of fairness?

Balance is the key. This holds true in every aspect of your personal life. If it is abundance you wish to receive, you can also expect to be presented with a myriad of ways to expend your wealth, as well. That is the nature of this world of polarity. It is up to you to use discernment regarding when to receive the blessings gifted to you and when to pass the gift onward.

We would like you to pay attention to your words and attitude when blessings come your way. If you turn down a gift, look closely at why you are doing so. Is it a result of an old habit? Perhaps in the past your gifts from certain people had “strings attached” and so, you hold the belief code that gifts from all people have “strings attached.”

Look closely, be as objective as possible and bring to your conscious mind belief codes that hinder you from living a life of abundance. You cannot eradicate old belief codes until you shine a light on them. Consciously choose those you wish to keep and those you are ready to release.

You have the right to live a life of abundance. Once you realize this and choose to take the steps towards living an abundant life, celebrate by performing a jig called “a bun dance.” Stand up, shake your booty and with joy and exuberance shout, “I am worthy to receive all the blessings the uni-verse has to offer me!”

Make this a great day for yourself. We are appreciative of the time you spend evolving yourself towards love and light. For in doing so, you assist in our evolution and expansion towards creating a family of Oneness.  Selamet!  Eb 12

Read this Message in its entirety by scrolling to Day 12 at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Day 13: Truth Beyond Media

It is time to regain control of your life. You can do this by going within on a daily basis. Clear your mind of the worries of the day. Ask your Guides to help you find ways to empower yourself. Work through the fears that allow you to give your freedom to others. Choose the life you wish to live for yourself. Rediscover what gives you joy and passion. Speak your mind. Know what it is you want. What is your truth? Speak it, with integrity. Remain true to your self and stand your ground when you see things around you that do not resonate with you.

It is only through standing in your truth that you will be able to change the world. It will not happen overnight; it has taken eons for your systems to become so skewed. However, by remaining in peace no matter what situation you find yourself in, you will be better armed to make decisions from the heart. No longer live in fear of what the future holds. You will never attain what you want as long as you are focused in the past or future.

Every dream you hold has the chance to blossom only in the present moment. Seek ways to maintain peace in every moment. Speak your truth in every moment. When your thoughts wander to the “poor me” syndrome of the past or the “what if” syndrome of the future, return to the present moment.

The key to happiness lies in living in the present moment with gratitude, seeing even the hardships as blessings. You are able to live fully in joy at this time. Take time to go within and find those “dark shadows” and fears that hold you back from being the joyous person that you are. Move forward with the anticipation that all is well and getting better with each movement you make towards regaining your freedom.  Selamet!  Ben 13

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 13 at:    Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.


Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree


© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Join us in the comfort of your own home!


February 22, 2016

You are invited to experience a special group
Soul Cleanse from the comfort of your own home!

celestial cleanse - 300 x 225

During the Celestial Cleanse,
you will experience the following blessings.

Energetic Balance
DNA Enhancement
Auric Shield Repair
Chakra Alignment and Attunement
Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Cleansing
Energetic Cleansing of your Home, Automobiles and Pets
Non-beneficial cords from this life will be cut, healed and sealed.

In addition, The Soul Cleanse Team and Heavenly Helpers
will shower you with their love, gratitude and healing energies.

 Each person’s Soul oversees the work performed.
Thus, you may include loves ones without their knowledge.

The Celestial Cleanse will be conducted in the morning, EDT.
You do not need to “tune in” during the Celestial Cleanse,
your Soul will ensure you are energetically connected.

Register today at

Suggested donation: $5-20 USD

If you or someone you know has entity interference,
addictions or other life-altering problems and
would like a more in-depth, personal clearing,
visit the Soul Cleanse page for more information.

Day 12: Gifting and Receiving

Abundance comes in many forms: good health, joy, friends, loving family members, a puppy’s kiss, anything that brings joy and assists in your evolution towards light and pure love. You each have within you the power to manifest anything you want or wish to experience. All humans desire abundance on some level. This doesn’t necessarily mean material goods, for there are many who prefer a simplistic lifestyle. However, all desire an abundance of peace, the ability to choose what they wish to experience and whom they choose to be their friends.

Many of you complain to each other about your need for money, specific items, more time or energy etc. Yet, when someone offers their services to you, often it is rejected with comments such as, “Thank you, but we are doing okay. We appreciate the thought, but we know you (or someone else) need the money as much as we do.” Perhaps you accept the gift, only to pass it on to someone you think is more deserving.

We are not here to judge your choices, but we do recognize that the efforts you put forth to attain what it is you desire many times is either not accepted or passed on to someone else. This behavior is often a reflection coming from a lack of worthiness. How many of you have failed to charge a fair price for your services? How often have you worked jobs that did not bring you joy? Have you lent money knowing you would never be repaid? Where is your worth and sense of fairness?

Balance is the key. This holds true in every aspect of your personal life. If it is abundance you wish to receive, you can also expect to be presented with a myriad of ways to expend your wealth, as well. That is the nature of this world of polarity. It is up to you to use discernment regarding when to receive the blessings gifted to you and when to pass the gift onward.

We would like you to pay attention to your words and attitude when blessings come your way. If you turn down a gift, look closely at why you are doing so. Is it a result of an old habit? Perhaps in the past your gifts from certain people had “strings attached” and so, you hold the belief code that gifts from all people have “strings attached.”

Look closely, be as objective as possible and bring to your conscious mind belief codes that hinder you from living a life of abundance. You cannot eradicate old belief codes until you shine a light on them. Consciously choose those you wish to keep and those you are ready to release.

You have the right to live a life of abundance. Once you realize this and choose to take the steps towards living an abundant life, celebrate by performing a jig called “a bun dance.” Stand up, shake your booty and with joy and exuberance shout, “I am worthy to receive all the blessings the uni-verse has to offer me!”

Make this a great day for yourself. We are appreciative of the time you spend evolving yourself towards love and light. For in doing so, you assist in our evolution and expansion towards creating a family of Oneness.  Selamet!  Eb 12

Read this Message in its entirety by scrolling to Day 12 at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Day 11: The Child Within

The true nature that most of you have at birth is pure joy and love. Each one of you comes from the same Source, beautiful and full of love and light. Know that you have within you the power to regain control of your life. It will take time and effort to undo the things that you have allowed, but it is well worth the effort to make the change if you truly want to experience peace and joy on a daily basis.

In ancient Mayan times, as well as many other cultures, each birth was celebrated. Every child upon entry into this world knew they were loved. Each knew they came to this earth for a purpose. Each was supported by the entire tribe. How much better this world would be if you returned to the simple act of loving your babies unconditionally. This cannot happen until you love yourselves unconditionally.

You can do it! Each and every one of you has the ability to go within and do some major housecleaning. Swipe away those cobwebs of disillusionment, sweep away those thoughts of low-self esteem and mop up all those memories of sadness and despair. It is time to wash your windows and let your light shine. Remove the walls and the moat full of alligators and let others in.

All it takes is the desire to clean up your mess. Roll up your sleeves and begin, knowing that once you get your life under control and clear out the mess, it will be easy to maintain. Once the major work is completed, you will find yourself energized and with time on your hands to enjoy more creative endeavors. Take responsibility for whatever situations you currently find yourself. Be grateful for every experience you have had. Learn from those experiences and make better choices for yourself and your life will unfold magnificently.

Set clear intentions, dream big and receive the gifts we place before you. Our hope is that you see yourselves as worthy to receive all we have to offer. You created much of the mess you are in and you have the full ability to clean up that mess and make it better than it ever was before. Take time to quiet your outer world and reflect on how to release your inner child. You are most deserving of a life filled with love and laughter. Reach out and grasp it!  Selamet!  Chuen 11

There is much more to this Message. Read it in its entirety by scrolling to Day 11 at:

Please include this web address when posting or sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.